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[LORE] Triumph

The Legion had arrived at New Rome - or rather, the rest of it had, with Cato and his Senators having governed with their skeleton crew through the days since the Dam, Legatus Lanius' marching columns finally became visible on the horizon on the coattails of their victory at the Dam and the NCR's withdrawal from the region.
Notably present at the head of this column alongside Lanius, however, is Caesar himself - in the flesh, without any disguise, clad in his armour and laurels, with his shocksword on his side. With thousands of Legionaries behind him, this was the long march to his prize - to claim what stood before him.
When they arrived at the gates of New Rome, as many Legionaries as could fit, including the higher-ranked leadership such as Vulpes Inculta and Lucius, headed into McCarran to begin establishing court - much of the army took up their place in the old accomodation of the NCR, while those who couldn't fit began to erect a hasty tent city outside of McCarran. Once these initial setups were finished, Caesar took his closest associates - Lanius, Vulpes and Lucius, and entered the city.
Those inside, depending on their provenance, looked at him and his procession of frends and praetorians with either horror or admiration as he made the slow stroll through Freeside, past the School of Impersonation, and to the Strip's gate.
With his arms stretched wide, Caesar greeted the gate's securitrons with an ear-to-ear grin. "Legatus Domus!" He shouted. "At long last, I have my dam; and as promised, you have my Legion!" He announced, folding his arms behind him. "My men have settled in McCarran, where they and my court will remain in future. For the coming days, though, I'll be residing in Caesar's Palace to prepare for my triumph. I assure you, you'll enjoy the... festivities."
Sure enough, the next few days were a rush of activity as New Vegas was hastily overhauled into a suitable Nova Roma for Caesar's triumph. The Legionaries in McCarran set about decorating the Strip - a row of empty crosses along its main thoroughfare serving as an implication of victory, while avoiding all the 'brutality' that might nauseate House's cosmopolitan sensibilities. Those with the ability to do so set about making paintings and art pieces, while the officers rehearsed their drill formations at length. Messengers set about travelling to the corners of the Mojave to collect gifts from the Legion's 11 newest tribes, and right at the end of the Strip, outside of the former NCR embassy, a grand throne was constructed from scavenged armour, weapons and ammunition from the former NCR - standing easily five metres high, towering well above the Strip. Caesar, meanwhile, brushed up on his historical knowledge - this Triumph would be one to rival the greatest in Rome's history.
The day of the celebrations neared, and everything was in place. It was to take place at dawn, to symbolise the rise of a new era, and as the sun rose in the sky - the gates to Vegas crept open to welcome the triumphal procession...
Vegas' streets were filled with adoring Legionaries; those lucky enough to not be marching in the procession proper, as well as curious civilian onlookers from Vegas, who watched as the gate to Freeside slowly opened. The first individuals to walk through the gate were captured officials of the NCR, and of the tribes conquered in the Mojave. Colonel Hsu was notably present, along with the other officers from McCarran; as well as Elder McNamara and the Head Scribe of the Mojave chapter - with a collection of their more elite following behind as well. Then came tribal leaders; the Fiends' Motor-Runner, Pacer of the Kings - assuming the King had left him alive by now - Boone, from Novac, and others were present here, marching in chains with sullen expressions as they were showered with ironic cheers and bundles of laurel from the clamoring crowds.
After this procession of captured officers, their captured goods, displayed on litters carried by squads of recruit legionaries; A display of medals from the captured NCR officers, marking achievements in conflicts long before the Mojave. A display of captured plasma-weapons from the Brotherhood of Steel, and an intact suit of power armour. A pile of chems liberated from the fiends, which was set alight as the procession passed through. An old Elvis record from the School of Impersonation, and then various carts full of caps, NCR dollars and various other valuables. Following behind these, then, were artworks and paintings depicting scenes from the war - a scrap sculpture of Helios One, a collection of dinosaur figurines from Novac, a painting depicting Lanius storming the Dam.
After this procession of valuables, figures of importance to the Legion - Elder Hardin of the Mojave Chapter, a Securitron bearing Legatus Domus' visage, Lucius and Vulpes Inculta, Ghost Rider; the 80s' chief, and each of Caesar's praetorian guard were amongst those present in this stage of the procession. Each of these figures were clad in a crimson-red toga, carrying an approximation of a fasces - that is, a rifle surrounded by a bundle of wood - wreathed with laurel.
Behind them, Caesar himself - wearing a purple-and-gold toga and, indeed, his distinctive laurel wreath, waving to the crowd assembled. In place of the four-horse chariot that would typically carry a Roman emperor of old, Caesar rode a motor-chariot liberated from the 80s, the motorcycle that pulled it roaring as he revved the throttle and kicked gas-smoke into the air. On the chariot with him was Legatus Lanius, looking as stalwart as ever, and clad only in his usual armour. From time to time he would lean in to Caesar's ear, whispering something imperceptible to the crowd.
"Memento Mori."
Directly behind Caesar, in place of the two white oxen that would be sacrificed to Jupiter, were two Arizona veterans - clearly old and grizzled, and long past their prime, they were the only men in the whole procession to be armed, each of them carrying a machete as they walked totally naked before the procession.
Behind these men came the Legions - and indeed, the longest part of the procession. Column after column of marching legionaries in descending order of rank, led by their respective decanii, followed behind Caesar - chanting "Io Triumphe!" all the way, and singing baudy songs at Caesar's expense. "O, Caesar Imperator / Laying in bed, with a whore! / Survived a deadly tumour / and lost his sense of humour!"
The procession took hours to slowly walk through Freeside and onto the strip, giving everybody in town plenty of time to admire Caesar's conquest. Finally, though, he arrived at his throne and dismounted his motor-chariot, strolling along the front of the procession and ascending the steps, taking his seat and raising an arm to still the noise of the crowd.
The two naked, sacrificial legionaries strolled to the front of the procession, standing in front of Caesar. Wordlessly the two kneeled before the throne and raised their gladii out before them. Caesar watched as the two of them spoke in unison, dedicating their sacrifice to the honour of the divine Caesar's victory, and to the glory of his father, Mars.
They plunged their blades into their stomachs, making a clean sideways cut and spilling their guts onto the pavement, slumping forth as the life left them, the raucous procession of Legionaries singing praises for their bravery and honour.
Caesar cleared his throat and looked out at the procession - the time had come to begin the awaring of honours and titles from his victory. "Legatus Domus," he commanded, "Present yourself."
A securitron rolled from the sides of the procession, bearing House's face, and stood before the throne, where Caesar looked down at him. "Domus, you have proven yourself a stalwart and reliable ally in this crucial war, and you are more than deserving of the official conferment of the title of Legatus, along with all the responsibilities and honours that status grants to you. The Legion entrusted to you is the Legio I Novaroma, comprising any forces that I see fit to station in the Mojave and surrounding regions. In addition to the title of Legatus, you are granted with the title Praefectus Urbi - prefect of the city; you are to be responsible for the day-to-day management of New Rome, including the organising of festivals and games on holidays and other occasions that you may see fit to do so - in time, I will solidify the formation of the Roman senate, and from there we will speak about what position, if any, you will hold there. You may return to the procession."
As the Securitron left, it was draped with a laurel crown by an attendant, before Caesar called up the next of his procession - Elder Hardin.
"Centurion Symmachus, you have shown to be a tenacious fighter, willing to take the fight to the NCR for what you believe in. For your admirable performance and loyalty, I give to you and your Brotherhood; the Symmachiarii, Helios One. You will stand as Centurion and governor of the Helios One power plant and the Hidden Valley base, where your men may govern it as they see fit, so long as the power is directed here to New Rome. I confer upon you and your symmachiarii the right to defend the technology of the pre-war where it may be found, to ensure it does not fall into unfit hands. As with Legatus Domus, you may be eligible to stand on the Roman Senate when it is created - you may return to the procession."
Caesar went on like this for some time - as well as Elder Hardin being solidifed as a Centurion, the King was granted the title of Centurion Rexus, with his purview being over Freeside and the men stationed there. Ghost Rider of the 80s was granted the title of Centurion Spiritus; Mortimer of the White Gloves was granted the title of Centurion Carnis, and so on and so forth.
This period of the Triumph went on for hours, with Caesar personally conferring all manner of major and minor honours to those who assisted throughout the battle. When this finally concluded, Caesar rose for a final proclamation.
"And upon myself, I confer my true, full name - Caesar Jupiter Stator, Imperator of New Rome. Let it be known that all who rule New Rome after me will take upon themselves the name of Caesar, with the names they choose to append onto this being of their own design. And, let it be known here for the first time - the man to rule New Rome when I am no longer capable, or at such a time as I no longer live - is Lucius, my praefectus praetorii."
A hush fell over the crowd as everybody turned to face Lucius, who waved proudly to those surrounding. Lanius, from his position on the motor-chariot that had carried Caesar in, directed a burning glare at the back of Lucius' head at the proclamation. That throne was to be his when Caesar died, not Lucius' - he was the strongest, he had earned it by right of blood - and this was nothing more than an offense in his name.
"And to my most decorated man of honour;" Caesar cut through the silence, directing his gesture at the Scourge of the East. "I send you whence you came, that you might enjoy a more luxurious posting than the frontline conditions to which you have become accustomed. I give to you, Legatus Lanius, command of the Legio IV Denver, that you might guide it to glory in these coming days, and oversee our expansion eastwards."
Caesar stepped down from his throne, to join the days-long festivities that would begin in the casinos. And as the crowd cheered in the glory of Caesar and Lucius and Lanius, only two words echoed in the Monster's skull.
submitted by KerbalSpaceExplorer to vaultpowers [link] [comments]

[ROLEPLAY] I have seen the Future, you must believe.

Throughout Las Vegas, "Bane's Theme" from Batman was playing on repeat via loudspeakers installed to every building and every home
War Boys in modified Toyota Hilux trucks blazed down the Las Vegas strip as explosions and other random chaos continued throughout the once great and prosperous city of Vegas.
On the Las Vegas Eiffel Tower, flew the flag of the Holy American Empire while the War Band of Trump made up of Pikachu cosplayers, Cancer-ridden War Boys, and K-POP artists played the Trump National AnthemBane's Theme on repeat.
Despite the North Korean forces having died and the Based Brazilian Patriots having gone home (with their equipment), the War Boys and Loyal Based Patriot Americans still hadn't stopped partying. Brazilian Alcohol bottles littered the desert, remnants from before their planes took off for home.
A large pile of "casino chips" all the chips from all the casinos had been piled high within Ceasars Palace (Las vegas hotel), atop it sat the Throne of the God Emperor, and on that throne? Donald J. Trump - God Emperor of the Holy American Empire.
Donald J. Trump: What news from the Northern Realms?
Mike "Silver Fox" Pence: Sir, it appears as if the Republic has taken the Alamo, soon they will have reached the Valley of Fire.
Donald J. Trump: And of the south?
General Carson...Ben Carson: The South has all but fallen sir, the Joshua Tree has burned while they push beyond Kingman into the Mojave. The same stands true for Death Valley, and to our east the Hualapai.
Ceasars Palace stood quiet, the news silencing the chatter of the Court. Locked in Vegas, a gamblers dream, just not a dream today.
War-boy: The Scouts are back! They are Back!
A War-boy scout came running in, kneeling before the God Emperor.
War-boy Scout: Sire, I come bearing news.
BAM (The scout is hit by Mike Pence's fist.)
Mike Huckabee: You will address him as he is due.
War-boy Scout: Caesar of Caesars, Nobilissmus, Pater Patriae, Perpetuus, Pious Felix, Pontifex Maximus, Imperator, Dominus, Maximus Augustus, God-Emperor, Donald J. Trump, sire. I come bearing news.
Ajit Pai: Better. Better.
Donald J. Trump looked down upon the War-boy, DJT-nearly blind could barely make out the tanned orange skin of the war-boy before him, Trump's age now 96, was suffering. Unlike the Wrestlers in Canada such as Maxime Bernier and others who had access to substances to reduce aging, Trump had been in the age inducing job of warfare.
Donald J. Trump: What is the news my child...
War-boy Scout: Scouts at Charleston Peak have confirmed that the Pacific Republic has reached Pahrump. Our defenses remain strong at Mountain Springs but they are taking territory.
Ben Carson: Sire, we must take action!
Melania Trump: Husband...what will we do?
Mike "Silver Fox" Pence: Sir, your son, he calls for you.
Donald J. Trump: Barron? BARRON!
Barron Trump was still in Kelowna, but new hologram-telephone technologies had a physical representation of himself in the Ceasars Palace.
Donald J. Trump: Barron, how we've missed you. My son, when shall you return?
Barron Trump: Never father, for I have seen the future.
Donald J. Trump: But we can break you out, the CG don't stand a chance against my armies.
Barron Trump: Father, the CG could end you right now. Please, that is not how your story ends.
Donald J. Trump: My story?
Barron Trump: They showed me...they showed me the future.
Donald J. Trump: Enough about that! You aren't a time traveler! Are you off your meds again?
Barron Trump: You don't understand...father, it's glorious.
Donald J. Trump: Enough of this! Tell the CG I will see you returned.
Barron Trump: Father, I am staying here of my own free will. Your story is ending. Soon it will be over. But it is not the end of the Empire.
Donald J. Trump: What?
Barron Trump: The future, we rule. We rule the Empire, the Trump name survives.
Donald J. Trump: No, I will survive. I will lead my em...
Barron Trump: LOOK AROUND YOU! Surrounded on all sides! You have no other options! Please father, surrender yourself! End this.
Donald J. Trump: Of all the people to betray own flesh and blood.
Barron Trump: Please!
Donald J. Trump: I will show you...I will show you my will to live.
submitted by Diotoiren to worldpowers [link] [comments]

I used to be NCR. [Fallout New Vegas]

(I've been working on and off a New Vegas fanfiction for a long time, and this has helped restart my interest in writing it!)
Oh, look. A new guy. You've even got a suit! Don't tell me, you're a good cop.
Mr. Peters. Even giving me a name. Good cop all the way, huh? What do you want from me?
Wow. You're not serious, are you?
Do you honestly think you're gonna take back the Mojave from her? Look me in the eye, yeah, the one your friends haven't punched into bloody pulp, and tell me with a straight face that you and the rest of the NCR are going to take back what's ours.
You're wrong. I was NCR. Not any more.
For fuck's sake, I've told every interrogator the story.
You wanna hear it again? Fine.
So it was after the second battle of Hoover Dam. I was Warrant Officer Kurt Frost, attached to 2nd Recon. Our job was to sweep through areas where Legion forces were still resisting. Now, I'd heard that that woman had personally subdued six Veteran Rangers and chucked General Wait-And-See Oliver right off the edge of the dam, but somehow she'd managed to smooth-talk Major General Webley into working with her.
No, I wasn't there, and Webley still says that he did it of his own accord. No blackmail, no threats, nothing.
Anyway, I was on patrol with my two squadmates, Lance Corporal James Sandy and Gunnery Sergeant Daria Torres. We were sweeping through what had been Khan territory, now taken over by Legionnaires who were using the single valley entrance as a chokepoint. Our job was to scale the cliffs and keep an eye on their movements- while they weren't going anywhere, we'd have to clear them out sooner or later and NCR command wanted better intel. Turns out they had their eye on us the minute we came near Red Rock Canyon- we though we had the element of stealth and surprise, but I suppose that wasn't the case.
We were halfway up a smaller cliff face when I heard the first volley of shots ring out. Cheap cowboy repeaters that wouldn't be able to bust through our armour, was my first thought, when I heard a scream. Sandy got hit in the hand, let go of his cable and slammed into the ground, face first. Probably died as he hit the ground. Torres and I got lucky- we managed to get back onto solid ground without taking any serious injuries. We were quickly surrounded, managed to kill a few of 'em, but there were just too many of them.
I woke up later, wearing only my shirt and jeans; my armour and weapons were nowhere to be found. Torres was the same. Thankfully, they hadn't roughed us up much. I guessed correctly that they wanted to use us as hostages, and while they certainly weren't nice to us, it was nothing a Ranger couldn't handle. We had water, gruel, and they didn't beat us often enough for me to really complain.
Days passed, and I got to looking around. You forget, Mr. Peters, that when you've been in the buisness of killing for country as long as I have that you learn things. You realize that the people you fight with, the people you fight against- they're not all one big group of people with the same ideas. I saw some legionnaires there who couldn't have been older than eighteen, ninteen. I looked around and saw these kids, wandering around aimlessley, terrified of what the next day would bring. Terrified that everything they'd learnt, everything the Legion had drilled into them, might just be bullshit. So there were the younger ones, the confused ones, that was maybe just under half of them.
And then there were the ones who'd done this shit for so long that the very concept of fear of defeat just pissed them off more. Those were the ones who would beat us. This is important.
So six days passed, and nothing happened. A week after we'd been captured, this big fucking legionnare, called himself Grumio, popped in front of us carrying a radio. He said that my superiors wanted a word with me. So Torres and I got on the radio, and there was Lieutenant General Church.
You know what that son of a bitch told me? He told me that we were simply no forces available to help. Said we were stretched too thin, that our special forces were 'unable to spare the capacity to carry out a rescue operation in this time of crisis.' I heard Webley in the background. He was yellin' about how the demands the legion were making were reasonable- to simply face a fair trial and to ensure the safety of the younger soldiers- and that surely the lives of NCR troops mattered more than petty vengeance.
And Church fucking ordered Webley to shut the fuck up. Church congratulated us on our performance, said we'd be honoured with full military burials and posthumous promotions, and that they planned on blowing up the entrance to the canyon and letting us fucking starve to death.
Grumio asked me what my rank was. Turns out he was more or less a Warrant Officer himself, and that he was the highest ranking officer in the camp. He shook his head, and apologized. It was an understanding between old soldiers. That us ground pounders get fucked by the brass. He told me we'd be taken care of as prisoners of war to the best of their means until the end.
It was less than an hour later when we heard it. Torres and I were planning our escape, wondering what we'd do when there was a clear voice of a megaphone.
It was HER.
A woman's voice, at once warm and welcoming, yet supremely confident. Each word was rolled into the next. I'm no poet, Mr. Peters, but I know a good, what's the word, orator? Orator, when I hear one.
"Legionnaires of Red Rock Canyon. Caesar is dead, his head mounted in my trophy case. Legate Lanius, Monster Of The East, fled like the coward he is."
"I am the Courier you know as Sylvia. I ask that you release the hostages you have taken. Do this now, and I will personally ensure that all of you face a fair trial under the laws of the New Mojave."
"You have an hour to surrender to my forces. Those who surrender will face a future of cooperation and safety. Know that in an hour, there will be no trial. "
This is when her voice lost all trace of the kindness and warmth. Then there was only this rage, this fury, this bloodlust. You could hear it in her voice, and it terrified me. And there's not much that scares me, Mr. Peters.
"There will be no trial, no surrender, no mercy. I will wade through your camp, and you shall know my hatred. I shall slaughter until Red Rock Canyon is filled with your blood and corpses. In the end, I will stand upon a mountain of your skulls and your only comrades will be the ravens that pick the flesh from your bones. You have one hour."
Yes, word for word, Mr. Peters. That was the first time I'd ever heard the Courier speak in person, and I can plainly tell you that I was no longer NCR that very second. I remember it because it was terrifying. It was the voice of someone who had authority over life and death, someone who gave mercy with one hand and death with the other.
Anyway, I saw Grumio arguing with a bunch of other officers, and he shot a few of 'em. Told the younger soldiers to leave now, to go and find their lives. That left, oh, I dunno, forty or so legionary veterans. Grumio grabbed a megaphone once the younger kids had left.
"Those who wished to surrender have done so, Courier. The rest of us, you shall have to kill. Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant!"
And less than five minutes later, we were free.
Yes, I know how utterly ridiculous that sounds. That's what I thought. One woman, take out forty veterans?
Trust me, Mr. Peters. You can ask Torres. That woman walked right through explosives and landmines, sprinting so fast she was a goddamn blur. The explosions never even touched her. She was wearing some sort of modified Ranger armour that their bullets seemed to barely scratch. She carried some sort of assault rifle and a machete at her side. She fucking walked into the middle of the camp, and in the span of two or three seconds managed to score headshots on thirty legionnaires.
Yes. You heard me right. Thirty shots, thirty kills.
That left about ten soldiers, and that's when she drew her machete. That woman fought like nothing I've ever seen. She moved faster than anybody has any right to and shrugged off blows that would have cut another man's arm in two. Hell, at one point somebody slashed her exposed arm and I swear to god the machete made a metallic 'clang' and bounced off her skin. Grumio, last one standing, charged at her, and she just flipped him onto the ground and stabbed him in the neck.
And that was it. One woman, covered in blood, and forty dead legionnaires. She took off her helmet, and there she was. Asian, short hair, with telltale pale skin- someone who didn't take their helmet off very often. She was pretty, looking almost motherly, except, you know, she was covered in blood and shit.
She helped us up, brought us back to that swanky casino in the Strip. The 38. Asked Torres and I if we wanted to fight for an independent Vegas.
I accepted in an instant.
You might not know it, Mr. Peters, but she's really quite something. I don't think I've seen her ever stop. Always doing something. Hell, every day she's busy. Helping the poor, killing bandits and raiders, overseeing defences, negotiating treaties...she's a force of nature. Maybe you'll understand on-
No, don't worry about that. That explosion was probably her.
No, I'm NOT kidding.
Don't look so surprised. You think I got captured because you fuckers are that good? You think you captured a Veteran Ranger, outside your own territory, because you guys are that good at planning?
Think of it this way. You'll get to meet her in person.
submitted by MintySocks to LifeasanNPC [link] [comments]

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