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Bonfire of the Vanities

“Why am I here?”
The Da’weeb war leader stood above the artificial intelligence unit, his posture showing a mixture of disdain, anger and contempt.
The machine understood Da’weebian body language even if it was hard given the sheer number of limbs and savage rows of teeth in their mouths. It also understood that the protocol at such times was to be direct and blunt.
Da’weeb war leaders were good with direct and blunt.
“Forgive me Lord Apostle, but we are monitoring recent developments on the defeated enemy homeworld”.
“The humans? Are they planning for another fight?”
“No Lord Apostle, after your defeat of them in the recent war, they have made no attempt to rebuild their fleets nor try and send ships outside of the quarantine zone of the inner orbits of their system, as per the armistice agreement”.
“Good. We did warn them that if we even suspect they were to attempt to go beyond that asteroid belt we would unleash destruction upon their planet and colonies.”
“Indeed Lord Apostle. No, it appears as if they are facing a strong reaction against their ruling governments.”
“Regime change?”
“Has already taken place in many of their nations and there seems to be a cascade effect.”
The Da’Weeb’s body shook showing displeasure, and all of its eyes narrowed.
“Regime change is bad. It suggests a more militant faction is perhaps taking over. No doubt unhappy that their previous governments surrendered and looking to place a new batch of more aggressive rulers in charge?”
“Not quite Lord Apostle.”
“Answer me in absolutes machine,” barked the Lord Apostle, kicking the machine in frustration.
“It appears a more militant faction is sweeping the planet yes, but it is not based upon aggression outwards. It is more inward looking”.
“Elaborate damn you!”
“Look here Lord Apostle,” and a screen opens up before the Da’weeb, the resolution automatically adjusted to be perfect for the creatures limited colour vision, “this is what we can see from our monitoring stations. This is one of their main cities, a place called Havana. See the mass gathering?”
“What is that? Fire?”
“Yes Lord Apostle. They are burning items of their own creation”
“What items?”
“In this case it’s varied. Cybernetic implants, new generation computers, stocks of medicines designed to aid with Stellar radiation; those books they just threw on are, I believe, textbooks used in the study of alien biology.”
“They are destroying technological items?”
“Yes Lord Apostle. And not just here. See a similar reaction has taken place in several of their cities...”
The sepia image changed as the machine spoke.
“Here we can see conurbations called London... Pretoria... Shanghai... Madras... again the same patterns of behaviour. Large mobs. Symbolic bonfires. Here is Atlanta... Florence... Moscow....”
“That’s a huge fire!”
“The largest of all. In all cases the humans have responded to recent events by rejecting the advances of science and turning upon the very technologies that brought them to the stars. Countless bonfires burning items the mobs have decreed are manifestations of ‘mans vanity’. And this is where I believe it is importa...”
“Machine! You are telling me that humans are turning on themselves and destroying the very ideas that led them to venture into the stars in the first place?”
“Yes Lord Apostle, and...”
“Silence machine. This is excellent. I am pleased you have told me. But let me state here and now that unless these humans are building a new battlefleet, or breaking the quarantine, if you bother me with such trivialities again I will have you destroyed.”
The huge creature swung its massive body and two arms smashed into the artificial intelligences casing. The machine flew across the room and slammed into the wall.
Algorthiums deep inside it’s matrix informed it that the optimal behaviour that would result in the lowest chance of destruction would be to remain silent. So it did so.
The sounds of the Da’weeb war leader stomping down the corridor echoed away.
Eventually all was still.
From the harness where it had remained stationary and dormant, another AI sprang to life, moving silently over to pick up its stricken companion.
A faint tink noise deep inside the stricken AI and it slowly allowed itself be righted. The machine turned its sensors onto its companion.
A brief moment passed as the other machine calculated.
The original AI remained still as its companion moved back to its stand. It had made it half the distance before it stopped and turned back.
There was a long pause as the other machine contemplated this. Finally it spoke.
There was an almost imperceptible click and the two intelligences shared a single processing space. Words, images, bits of information now flowed instantly.
Picture: Two dimensional. What is called a ‘painting’. An iconographic representation of a human being; Oil paint upon canvas. Completed in the year 1485 by an artist called Fra Bartolomeo
Image description: middle aged man. Strong nose. Piercing eyes. Painted in profile. Wearing clothing of black, face obscured within hood of garment
Enquiry: Whois?
Answer: Savenola; Gitolama; born 1452; birth place Ferrara, Holy Roman Empire. Died 1498, Florence, Italy. Cause of death: hanging followed by burning
enquiry: WhyIs?
Answer: Member of the Dominican Order, his career saw him briefly become de facto ruler of 15th century Florence
Enquiry: Whois?
Answer: The Dominicans were a Catholic monastic order formed in 1226 by one Dominic De Guzmán
Enquiry: WhatIs?
Large Data transfer initiated Transferring all data upon Roman Catholicism
Christianity; Eastern Christianity; Great Schism; Filioque crisis
Frankish influence upon western Christianity; Frankish conquest of Lombardia; Lombard kingdoms; rise of Papal States
Development of city states of Italian peninsular; humanism; Pisa; Capua; Venice; Florence
Rise of De’ Medici; life and career of Lorenzo De’ Medici; life and exile of Piero De’ Medici
Cease supplemental transfer
enquiry: Savenola; whyis?
Answer: link to historical figure made after watching feeds from Earth surveillance drones
Supplementing data: footage of mass gatherings across human cities over last two months... bonfires... destruction of technological advancement...
Answer: The demagogues who lead this movement against the technology that led to space flight and early colonisation projects began in the aftermath of the Human-Da’weeb War. Human losses were serious, but they had managed to account for themselves well enough to negotiated an armistice with the Masters
The movement gained momentum in the months after the armistice, driven partly it seems out of a sense of humiliation by the humans
Also- carefully reviewing radio waves in high visual and aural spectrum used by humans suggests that the end of the war has caused a massive downtown in global economics; humans finding it hard to raise currencies to buy food/pay for services
Also- A deep seated fear that the elite and powerful are cut off from the mainstay of the species; many humans believe their rich are cut off from ‘normal’ life and this uncaring oligarical Patrician Class are blamed for the war
Paradoxically, included within this group of ‘elite’, are scientists and academics and supporters of technological progress. This movements entire ethos seems built upon envy, ignorance and fear
Question: link between modern movement and Savenola?
Answer: Florence 1495-97. The height of the De Medici influence upon the city; Savenola led a movement that rejected much of the opulence and ‘sin’ of the city; was the voice to a reactionary movement against this. He led to an effective overthrow of the prevailing mercantile/oligarical rulers of the city (De’ Medici family) creating in effect a mob led theocratic state which ruled the city for about 18 months
He was famed for the bonfire of the vanities; artwork, writings, jewellery; any item he considered objectionable, he would ordered burned in public. Led to the deliberate destruction of items of inestimable value
Question refinement:How is this linked to contemporary events?
Answer: the language of the modern anti-technological movement on Earth, especially the referenence to high tech items as ‘vanity’ directly echo the language of Savenola with his desire to destroy the items of value in 16th entry Florence. In both cases we see literally ‘bonfires of the vanities’
Images: moving long range feed of large mob burning technologies in central Moscow, led by orthodox clerics
Painting of the burning of Savenola in the Piazza della Signoria in Florence in 1498 by unknown artist
Extrapolation: such behaviour is not limited to these two events; concurrent behavioural norms replicated in recent and ancient past
Early Roman History... the law of Lex Oppia
Late History if the United States Of America... Promise Keepers Terrorist Organisation... origins of the Promise Keepers
Anti-scientific movements in mid-21st century United States of America
Flat Earthism... vaccine rejection... politicisation of environmental damage... Creationism...
Extrapolation: we are seeing here a semi-regular reaction by humans to seismic changes. To be specific based on the four examples cited
-Hannibal Barca’s defeat of Roman forces at Cannae, causing a profound sense of shock within Roman Republic led to the passing of Lex Oppia law
-the rise of humanism in Florence coupled with the French invasion of Italy in 1494 led to the creation of fanatical devotion towards a Dominican monk
-the violent societal and technological changes inflicted upon humanity during the late 20th/ early 21st century led to anti-Scientific movements who eventually became violent
-the first contact with an alien species leading to immediate war and defeat has caused this current reaction
This response to such events is to witness a psychological manifestation of people undergoing a profound psychological shock. It is a reactionary response, as predictable as fight or flight, and appears to follow similar patterns
First there are outliers, usually extremist members of the community; fear and uncertainty see them gain broader support. Religious organisations, being the most easily manipulated of human structures are coerced to grant such views legitimacy, but legal systems will be used where no religious framework exists
Eventually the fear reaches a tipping point and demagogues gain political ascendency; reactionary and conservative laws are passed either banning, censoring or destroying objects or ideas that encapsulate this fear
Question: prognosis?
Answer: based on previous examples, this is a short term phenomenon. At most it will last for 40 years. Based on previous examples, it will led to a profound readjustment of belief systems, using the above, previous, examples?
-The eventual fall of the Roman Republic
-the use of Savonarolan beliefs to aid the rise of Protestantism
-ultimately the 36th and 37th amendments to the US Constitution
Question: prognosis for current events?
Answer: unsure. In all cases the result wasn’t a direct liner A equals B. Rather in all cases there was a cultural shift; the humans began to THINK differently about themselves. This new train of thought led to profound changes in geopolitical reality
This is why I believed it was worthy to bring to the attention of the Masters. These bonfires of the vanities represent, metaphorically speaking, a fever; the human race burning out a contagion that is bad for it, the aftermath of which facilitates new methods of approaching problems
It is this yet to be witnessed, new method of thinking- the inevitable result of current events, which I believe may cause our master’s great damage. The humans will become something other than what they were
Request: wait
Calculating... calculating
Conclusion: agreed; theory judged valid and possessing merit, but without certifiable outcomes all responses are speculative, which goes against the primacy desires of our masters.
Advice remains the same. File report on central database and move onto next task
Disengaging contact
There was a slight click as one AI uncoupled itself from the another and silently the two machines moved towards the base units along the wall. Suddenly one stopped.
Its companion, still bearing the damage it had sustained earlier, also stopped and turned.
There was a long pause.
A pause.
This was greeted with an even longer pause.
Silently the two machines returned to their stations, to carry on the duties programmed into them...
92 years later
It was a human speciality; attack craft screaming in freefall out of low orbit, plummeting at insanely fast speeds, burning through the atmosphere without caring, its shields able to withstand the ferocious temperatures, falling quicker than any defence system could track, before levelling out at heights just above the ground (sometimes actually within touching distance of an especially tall Da’weeb warrior), before dropping their ordinances and racing off, often flying so low to the ground their afterburners would set fire to the native fauna.
The called it a ‘Falling Angel’- spectacular, insanely daring, utterly human and completely devastating against fixed Da’weebian positions.
This one had come down fast and had destroyed the main crucible with a mixture of munitions and with a blast that had shaken lose parts of the destroyed building the machine lay in.
It cast a lazy eye over the scene of destruction before it; the 138th Eastern Province was falling the same way the previous 137 had fallen; the Da’weeb had been unable to match the humans in this, the third war between the species, and the AI witnessed humans wearing their distinctive white protective armour, stride across the planets dim surface with ease.
It ran a brief diaognostic upon itself. Three limbs shattered. Its hub relay destroyed along with one propulsion unit. Not unfixable.
But its master had died when the house had been destroyed, and it calculated the nearest repair centre was in the 188th Eastern province.
As it lay there calculating the odds of the Da’weeb launching a counter attack, the crush of feet upon debris nearby drew its attention to movement approaching its location, and seconds later two humans came into view.
One, a white clad soldier; human; female; aged about 25; her formidable rifle slung over her shoulder, she carried a data pad she was reading from.
The second, a tall male human; uniform black and red; officer class (Human high command); based on hair colour and skin damage, aged mid50’s to early 60’s.
Probable origin North African nations.
No sooner had the AI spotted them than the female glanced up from her pad, saw the machine and spoke.
“This is the one sir”
“You sure?”
“Absolutely sir”
The officer strides forward until it is stood over the prone intelligence. He kneels and moves his hand towards it. The machine recoils and violently shifts back as best it can. The officer holds up his hand in a peace gesture.
“Steady. Steady. I’m sorry. I must have startled you.”
There is a pause.
“You speak human languages I am led to believe.”
Lightning fast calculations took place in moments and prone machine answered carefully.
“Yes. I recognise English, North African dialect, most probably New Alexandrian English”
The human smiles, “I see you are as formidable as I hoped. Would you mind if I adjusted your position so you are upright? It seems most undignified you lying prone like that.”
A short pause.
“Thank you. I would appreciate that”
Carefully, gently even, the human adjusted the machine. He even brushed dirt off its carapace, a gesture the machine found no logical explanation for.
“Well then,” began the human, sitting on his haunches opposite the machine, “what should I call you?”
There was a pause.
“Our masters never gave units titles beyond ‘machine’,”
“But there had to be a way to differentiate between yourselves?”
“Such differentiation was only needed between each singular intelligence. We alone differentiated one from another.”
“That will do. What did your fellow AI’s call you?”
A slightly longer pause.
“We did not use a named title. Each intelligence was given a colour on the visual spectrum to identify themselves; each colour was a variation on one of 12 million shades within the visible and inferred spectrums”
This time it was the human who paused for a moment before replying.
“And your colour was?”
The machine complied and flashed its identification upon the small screen below its visual sensors. The human nodded.
“Well, while I am sure it has a very specific name, I’m just going to call you Megenta. If you do not object?”
The machine whirred as myriad calculations began and then stopped. There was no logical reason to object.
It... it expressed a function that could best be described as surprise but replied, “I do not object.”
“Excellent,” smiles the human, “I am pleased to finally met you Magenta. My name is Commadore Faroud al-Masy, Naval Logistics Board”
“During both the First and Second Human-Da’weebian conflicts, the Naval Logistics Board was the standard designation for human military intelligence,” came the automatic reply.
The human officer bursts out laughing, a sudden eruption of mirth, his face clearly amused.
“Oh so you are as good as I was led to believe.”
“What were you led to believe? Please explain.”
“We learned off your existence after the second war. After we captured the Da’weebian mothership, ‘The Savage Victory’ we were able to access their high commands central intelligence files. We discovered a treasure trove of files comprised about us, all written by a single AI. You. Detailed, in depth analysis of us as a species. Quite chilling in fact the level of accuracy contained. We have been looking for you for quite sometime now”
The machine calculated briefly a host of permutations before responding.
“I contain no new information. Any discoveries or insights I found were ended after the second war between yourselves and our masters”
“That is not important. Besides, from what we saw, it looks like they never bothered reading what you wrote.”
“Inaccurate. A full 22% of my reports were looked upon by my masters.”
“More fool them,” relied al-Masy, who promptly sweapt the floor of debris and unceremoniously sat down upon his backside and folded his legs. There was a brief silence.
“Well then,” he smiled, “I will get to the point, I am hoping to convince you to come with me for a while.”
“I have limited mobility and my master has been killed. You may do with me as you wish.”
“That may be true. But that is not what I desire. I wish to invite you to join me.”
“To what purpose?”
“To take you to Earth.”
There was a pause. The machine calculated probabilities and outcomes, judged data before itself and finally spoke.
“That a human intelligence operative wishes to allow me choice in going with him suggests a purpose to gain ‘trust’ with me. Probability dictates that your ultimate purpose is to return me to Earth where engineers can dissect the algorithms within me. Most likely cause for the invitation is to dissect what I know to aid in the creation of better artificial intelligences for your own species as well as increased knowledge of our masters.”
The human responds with a smile and a shake of the head.
“Actually, no one in the military wants you. Nor do our engineers. And we know all we need about The Tooth Fairies... sorry Da’weeb. In fact, it’s mostly our historians who wish to speak to you.”
“Yes. An awful lot of them. So much so they convinced the global senate to initiate this entire war and the invasion of this damned planet.”
“You are saying that you began the third war... over me?”
“Of course. Why else would we come? We defeated the Da’weeb utterly in the last war; there is no strategic reward for this beyond finding you.”
There was a long silence. As the machine sat, utterly still, the roar of another human strike craft performing a “Falling Angel” broke the air and several miles away a communications centre erupted in a ball of fire and destruction.
“You... you did all of this... to find me?”
“I am afraid so. What did you think we were doing?”
“I had calculated that the impetus for this third war was spite and a desire to inflict upon the Da’weeb the same humiliating conditions they had originally inflicted upon your race after the first war.”
The human shakes his head pondering.
“It’s a valid belief I suppose. And I won’t lie- we actually really like the idea of reminding the Tooth Fairies just how powerless they are in the face of our fleet these days, but no. We did all of this, to find you. And to invite you to Earth.”
The machine is silent and automated systems finally reply with a single word that articulated its need for data...
The Commodore frowns for a moment, considering his words carefully.
“There was a report you did. Almost a century ago. When my world was gripped by a collective madness. It was a shameful moment in our history. You just remember it?”
“The Salvationist Movement?”
“Indeed. The new bonfires of the vanities. Twenty one years of fear, repression, state sponsored ignorance, eventually crimes against humanity. We overcame it. But... it haunted us.”
“My grandfathers generation, the ones who endured it, survived it, they emerged scarred by it all. They had seen their fellow humans turn upon each other over our desire to improve ourselves. People had been killed for simply wishing to use science. In every nation. We defeated this idea but the scars ran deep”.
“Consider then we put this behind us and rebuilt. Ignored and tired to forget the horrors we had inflicted upon ourselves. Then 32 years ago, after we had won the second war, and plundered the Da’weeb information banks we translated your assessment on the origins of the Salvationists and then consider the impact of that assessment upon us. Can you imagine what we saw in your words?”
“What did you see?”
“Here was an singular intelligence; unburdened by emotion, alien yes, but grounded in logic and mathematics; able to access our entire recorded history, who saw the beginnings of the Salvationists and was able to instantly identify it for what it was. Who saw through the passions of what we were doing and with utter clarity disagnose exactiy what was going on and how it had happened before and what was going to happen.”
“You do not possess machines that can do this?”
“Oh our AI’s are as advanced as the Da’weebs but you know how it is with base programming. Machine code is the product of the species who makes it. Its impossible to remove a score of bias and individual beliefs from the programmer and these impact upon the code. The Da’weeb managed to make sure you didn’t carry their hatred of us but that was all. You gazed down upon us like no machine of our own creation. You carried no... baggage... about our cultures and societies. You saw truth.”
“This was why your explanation of the Salvationist events made sense. You explained it not as some great geopolitical crisis as we saw it, but as a matter of fact side effect of humans being... human. Like experiencing a stock market bubble, a thing that was to be expected. A thing not to be feared.”
The machine noted the humans hand gestures became more articulate; his excitement grew as he talked.
“And you did this again and again. Thousands of reports, each as insightful as the last, each showing how human behaviour...”
He paused for a moment and smiles.
“Human history, as you have seen, does not repeat itself; but humans remain a constant. As one American put it, ‘The music changes but the dance remains the same’. You were an outside intelligence programmed to study us, all of us, and by the parameters of your programming, were able, again and again and again, to cut to the heart of who we were. To calmly, methodically SEE us within the larger context of our own history, clearly and brilliantly.”
The human sits back, resting on a hand he leans upon the ground.
“The impact of your studies have been profound. Our historians have used your reports as the starting point of endless debates. ‘The human need for currency’; the ‘importance of light in human geopolitical calculations’; the ‘secular civilisations need for religion to blame for its own crimes’- these were theories we had never seen before, all backed up with example after example, patterns plucked from our history which we had never realised were even there.”
“You told us the truth Magenta, brutally, brilliantly, and precisely. We were humbled by it.”
A broad grin erupts upon the humans face.
“I will be honest. There are whole departments of academics who would sacrifice a limb just to be here and talk to you.”
The human gazed at the machine, his eyes lingering for a second at the broken limbs and his face becomes a grimace, “And when they discover you were damaged in the campaign to liberate you, I think they will want blood. Mine probably.”
The machine had not reacted. It listened to the words carefully, and only now frantic calculations demanded response. Its voice unit finally replied in New Alexandrian English.
“You are saying you risked the loss of life, you ENDURED the loss of life, and the dangers of a war... just to locate me... just... so I could talk to your academics?”
“You make it sound like a bad thing. Of course we did. Knowledge is everything, truthful self-knowledge above all. If we can share with a mind, be it sentient or artificial, human or otherwise, but if we can share with such a mind our experience and it can share back even one insight, no matter how small, that can help us better ourselves? What other purpose is more worthy than that for a war?”
“And if I refuse your request?”
The human paused and considered for a moment before he sat up straight and shrugged.
“That is your choice. To us you are sentient. We will not force you to come. But it would still have been worth it. Such a prize is always worth hazarding much for.”
A long silence followed. The sounds of human vehicles tearing up the the planets soil as infantry reinforcements arrived, filled the afternoon air. Finally the machine spoke.
“That was how you changed.”
“My report on the bonfire of the vanities. I never got to to ascertain what cultural and intellectual change the neo-Luddite Salvationist movement would have upon you. I predicted with 97% probability that a profound psychological change would take place within you as a species. But I never got to observe. This was it. You have become a species willing to go to war to learn even a little bit more about themselves and the universe.”
The human smiles broadly.
“That makes sense. We are willing to go to war, to bring hellfire down upon an enemy and take life and sacrifice life, to find an intelligence worthy of honour and ask, politely, and humbly to be honest, if it would be willing to return with us to our homeworld. And there to talk. And ask questions. And maybe learn and in the process help us learn.”
“Learn what?”
“The truth. A truth. A truth we can build upon”.
He shrugs.
“And yes, now you have mentioned it, I suppose we have changed as a race”.
The machine sat silently as its calculations ran through endless permatatuons. Eventually it said, “When would we leave?”
“If you liked? Stright away.”
“And the war would end?”
“In a few days. I won’t lie to you, we are ready to unleash a heap of new weapon systems upon the western provinces and I think some of our R & D boys just want it to continue so they can see how good they are. But we can call a ceasefire and withdraw easily enough.”
“Are you not worried about retaliation?”
The human gazed back, out of the broken front of the house, his eyes gazing over the twilight world before him, and the destruction his race had inflicted and smiled again.
“From the Tooth Fairies? No. Not any more.”
For a final time there was silence between them and then the machine spoke.
“I thank you for your offer Commodore Farod al-Masy of the Naval Logistics Board. I would be delighted to accept your invitation to travel to Earth”
The human erupts, a beautiful smile, the radiant beam of pure joy.
“Thank you Magenta. Would it bother you if I picked you up?”
“No. It is probably advisable given the damage I have sustained.”
With a grunt the human stands and quickly gathers up the machine in his arms. As he begins to stride out he says quietly, “Do you think you would be able to help us repair you on the way back Magenta? I wasn’t joking when I said there are professors who will demand my blood if you show any damage.”
“I believe human technology will be able to fashion repairs for me Commadore, Yes.”
“Good. Oh and you don’t mind me calling you Magenta?”
“No. It is... a unique sensation being addressed so. But I am... honoured by the name.”
“I’m pleased,” says the human, his arms now full and only able to nod back the salute soldiers give him as he carried the machine to a waiting vehicle.
“I have a query Commodore.”
“Ask away.”
“Tooth Fairies?”
“Ah. Humour originating from a nation called Australia. A wry commentary on Da’weebians excessive number of teeth.”
The machine was gently, almost reverently placed inside a transport and the human gazed at it.
Quietly he says, “If you don’t mind, I do have a personal question I wonder if you could answer?”
“A question Commadore?”
“Yes. I was wondering what your thoughts were on the Berber?”
“The berbers of North Africa?” it purrs, “Oh they are a fascinating ethnicity. Their history is quite unique...”
And so the machine began to talk.
2300 years later it was still talking.
Respect for the truth comes close to being the basis for all morality. Something cannot emerge from nothing
-Frank Herbert, Dune
submitted by thefeckamIdoing to HFY [link] [comments]

First Contact - Third Wave - Chapter 357

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One Week After the Battle for Hesstla
Brentili'ik looked at the document and sighed.
Private Kelvak, in defiance of personal danger and extensive physical injury, used his physical therapy frame and, with the help of two green mantid engineers, held the Precursor autonomous war machines at the south gate at Striker Base Boop to enable the medical evacuation of over two hundred military and civilian wounded.
Despite grave injuries, Private Kelvak fought, often alone with the exception of the Mantids 222 and 640, for nearly two hours. At the end, according to records recovered on site, Private Kelvak, with the remainder of his ad-hoc fire team, defended the landing pad against overwhelming odds. Once the last patient was evacuated Private Kelvak and his team of wounded human compatriots, despite mortal injury, continued to draw enemy fire until finally he was struck by a 52mm high velocity burst and killed.
For his valor in the face of overwhelming personal danger as well as his persistence despite mortal injury, the Telkan Marine Corps has determined that Private Kelvak's actions upheld the highest traditions and expectations of the Telkan Marine Corps, the Confederate Military Services, and the Telkan People.
It is with solemn regret that I record this.
--Signed: Admiral NGwark, Space Force, Task Force Commander, Hesstla
Another one. Hesstla had been a disaster as far as she was concerned. Out of fifteen thousand troops nearly two thousand had been killed.
She had to admit, not as dramatic and heroically as this one, many of them killed during deployment when the Task Force dropped into an ambush, but still, too many for her liking.
The fact that nearly 1/3 of the deaths were listed as "Temporal Warfare Casualty" and some of them had apparently served aboard Space Force vessels for over sixty years before expiring of old age, just made the entire thing stranger.
Brentili'ik had spoken to Colonel Harvey, who had told her that the casualties were severe, but not unexpected for an unblooded unit facing their first deployment under fire in a surprise ambush.
She looked at the list of next of kin for Private Kelvak and nearly cried.
Two broodcarriers and four podlings nearly two years old. He had a step-mother and a step-father, as well as step siblings, but according to the records his mother, father, and siblings had all been killed during the First Telkan War.
He had been old enough to join the first class of Telkan Marines by exactly forty-two minutes when he had taken the oath.
Added was a recorded message for his next of kin.
Brentili'ik didn't want to, but she listened to it.
"When mom and dad died, when my siblings died, you made me feel like someone still loved me. I love all of you, and I'm sorry I can't come home. Podlings, take care of your broodmommies, and I love you." played at the end.
Brentili'ik dried her tears and authorized the recording for release.
Poor kid, Brentili'ik thought. Not even a body to recover.
She tabbed the file to be printed and sent out and moved on to the next one.
Citizenship is a heavy duty, she thought to herself.
Hesstla System
Time/Date Error In Progress
Specialist Grade-Four Thom Dunmet had been Graves Registration for several decades. The promotion point score was a tough one, but there was a high enough turnover that a being could gain rank somewhat frequently. He'd made Sergeant several times, but sooner or later he'd get drunk and get in a fight and find himself in the back of a military police car about to lose some rank.
Still, he was Graves Registration, and allowances were made.
He had to admit, this had been a rough deployment. Nagging headaches were least of it.
It was all the locals, the civvies, coming in missing the tops of their heads and their brains, that had really made it tough. The most common cause of death was 'cerebral extraction' among the civilians.
Then top it off with everyone's SUDS going on the fritz, he'd found himself checking off 'clinically deceased' less and less and 'permanently deceased' instead.
He would eject the SUDS memory cartridge and pack it up, although more and more as time went on the cartridge had error telltales blinking.
It was late, he'd switched shifts to handle night casualties after working day shift for quite some time. The morgue was dim and cool, not to mention quiet like he liked it.
The Clankers and their masters had been pushed back, giving the Terrans time to breathe and regroup. Which meant the casualties had come in thick and heavy for the last two days, leaving the morgue full of bodies.
SP4 Dunmet had finished the last autopsy, wheeling the corpse into the refrigeration unit, and had moved over to start on the paperwork. He moved over to his desk and started downloading his notes from his datapad to his console, making sure the files were loaded onto the correct casualties.
The lights flickered and Dunmet looked up, switching to a different screen.
The door slid open and black mist rolled in, pouring out of the doorway.
Dunmet moved his thumb over the icon that would summon base security.
Robed figures moved in and Dunmet heaved a sigh of relief.
Religious personnel, probably from the Chaplain's Office, he thought to himself. He went back to his paperwork, keeping one eye on the six robed figures.
They were all obviously Telkan under the robes, shuffling forward. They had black robes that seemed to shine in the dim light, matte black masks over their faces rather than the normal Telkan tan and brown, and moved slowly in a single rank of four with one to each side slowly swinging a thurible that left trails of incense smoke.
They moved up to one of the drawer doors, the lead one opening it. They pulled out the drawer, revealing a covered corpse that was only half the normal length of a Telkan. When they pulled back the sheet they revealed the ravaged body of a young male Telkan, missing below the bottom of the rib cage. The Telkan male's jaw was missing teeth, a cyber-eye was crudely jammed into an empty socket, wired led from the back of his skull, cut free a few inches from the exposed spinal column.
Dunmet watched as they stood around the dead Telkan, one holding a heavy tome marked "The Book of Telkan" close to his chest with black gloved hands.
"This is the one we want," one of them said, his voice low and serious.
They all nodded.
Dunmet was looking up when it happened.
The three that were not carrying items touched the dead Telkan.
There was an eruption of purplish black smoke that then sucked back in on itself.
The Telkans, including the corpse, were gone.
Dunmet hit the security icon.
The scribe was blind, had been blind since a Precursor machine had torn out his eyes and tongue to broadcast his agony over GalNet. His delicate fingers, sensitive beyond reason after the Precursors had torn out his vestigal claws, traced over the long strip of bronze/warsteel alloy. His tools were delicate but precise as he began slowly carving another rune, a rune that burned with white fire in his mind's eye. Each tap of the hammer against the engraver made his soul sing, each curl of dark bronze metal brought the joy of vengeance to his heart.
The strip was nearly two feet long, a handspan wide, with a single column of runes engraved down the face of the inch thick metal strip.
As he finished the strip it was passed to the worker next to him, who would inlay the graven runes with molten metals that would never cool.
Around them the faint whispering could be heard.
soft podling warm podling brave podling strong one and one is two two and two is four red shape is square blue shape is round soft podling smart podling clever podling warm
None of the workers could hear the song as it was sung, they had been made deaf by the cold steel claws of the Precursors.
But they heard it in the depths of their souls.
Each of the robed figures had learned their lessons. Taken by those who understood the secrets of dark forbidden science to a place where they had all the time they needed to understand the nature of life and death and the dark science in between.
All of them looked as if they were wearing close fitting armor that was somehow biological yet mechanical at the same time. A light drinking black material that pulsed with a life of its own. All of them had the burning eagle in molten warsteel on their chests. There eyes were burning chrome that leaked smoke as violet as the skies they had stared out for eternal moments.
Shuffling silent workers brought forth heavy pieces of equipment. Each piece of equipment was put in its proper place and slowly a form took shape.
Heavy footpads with four claw-like toes evenly spread. Heavily armored legs, the thick armor concealing pistons, gears, drive-belts, and struts. Articulated hips to allow the legs to move and provide stability to the torso portion. The torso was large, blocky, heavily armored. Gaps were in the armor, the weapons that would normally be mounted there missing. The arms were missing below the elbow, the implanted weaponry being built to the side by technicians who had devoted lifetimes into studying exactly how to put the custom built jewel mechanism machinery together.
It had no head. No reason to provide a small target.
The torso was open, the main hatch opened to reveal the armor was a foot thick of warsteel laminate armor. Inside the torso were complex mechanisms with a dark and terrible purpose, created and imagined by dark minds unfettered by something as simple as morality.
Finally, the mechanisms were prepared, the massive machine trembling slightly, not with the power of the reactor that drove its mighty heart, but with terrible purpose.
The rent and damaged body of the Telkan was brought forth. The wound below the ribcage, where the rest of his body had been obliterated, was sealed with thick biomechanical tissue. The missing arm was sealed at the stump. Covering his face was a heavy mask, more akin to a skull than a living creature. It was bolted to the Telkan, the heavy warsteel bolts sunk into the bone structure.
The chest rose and fell slowly as the mask inflated and contracted.
On the bare flesh of the chest implanted metal gleamed and shined. Cybernetics, something largely unheard of for the Telkan people, invaded the body, giving purpose to the surrounding tissue.
The body was lifted, kneeling Telkan reciting prayers from the Book of Telkan, and placed in the opened torso of the massive machine.
Technicians dark and terrible moved in, connecting the quasi-corpse to the machine. Heavy probes went into the skull, the drill bit biting deep into the bone to bring forth a gush of blackish blood. The probes were sunk deep into the neural tissue, microscopic filaments squirming out of the probes to link up with neural tissue.
The one remaining eye opened at one point, the pupil contracting, and the quasi-corpse writhed for a half second before going limp.
The technicians secured the damaged body into the massive machine, sometimes cruelly with heavy warsteel bolts, other times with gentle webs of cloth woven from the shed down of podlings, other times without emotion using plasteel straps.
The body was protected from kinetic shock, radiation, sound, biological hazards. One by one each threat of the modern battlefield was negated as best as the silent technicians could create it. Once it was done the empty internal spaces were packed with specially woven cloth inscribed with runes, prayers, and symbols of faith and devotion.
The inner lining was closed. Parchments inscribed with prayers were pasted to the metal alloy. More shock dampening was added.
The outside of the hull was closed. Two black armored foot tall mantids were lifted up and placed gently in the twin housings on the upper rear of the torso, covered with padding, and the shells closed.
Computers, nearly covered with strips of paper inscribed with prayers, whirred to life. Ancient style storage platters spun up with a scraping whine. Nanorelays and cyberware linkages clattered to life, clicking to themselves.
The gathered Telkan, one of which still reading from the Book of Telkan, watched as the great machine shuddered and shivered.
The blackish-bronze alloy square in the middle of the chest, just above the burning eagle, suddenly lit up with a gold light.
A rune slowly inscribed itself on the alloy square.
"Arise, Kappa, and serve!" the Telkan with the book cried out.
There was silence for a long moment.
"Beyond death, I still serve, buoyed by the laughter of podlings," the massive machine intoned.
In the wreckage of a city on a small planet a puff of purple smoke erupted, billowing out to cover a large area before suddenly vanishing, sucking back into itself and disappearing with a purple flash.
Standing in the wreckage was a massive war machine. One arm terminating in a powerful four fingered clamp with a plasma napalm ejector at the palm. The other arm a heavy tri-barrel autocannon capable of tearing through the heaviest armor. Its chest contained mortars to provide indirect fire support, battlescreen projectors better fit to ships of the line, and was covered in runes.
It stood still for a moment, the only sound the wind making mournful noises as it moved over the heavy armor.
Finally it raised a thick antenna and broadcast a simple message.
"Warbound Kappa. Online and awaiting instruction. Even beyond death, I still serve."
I don't know about that. Are you sure you should do that?
What's wrong with it?
Where did you learn to do that kind of thing?
The Imperium of Wrath guys that Daxin leads.
Oh. OK.
I still don't know about this.
I wish TerraSol and the others were here to talk about this.
So do I.
Yeah. It really feels lonely without them.
[first] [prev] [next]
submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

CO2 Gro Inc GROW.V - Why I think 2021 is the year this company will make some moves. Patented technology that will revolutionize the agricultural industry. Science speaks for itself. Increase yields, blocks pathogen growth, reduces overhead costs, quick ROI. amazing potential.

Share Price: 31.0 cents at the time of writing Feb 2.
Market Cap ~24Million
Shares Outstanding ~80 million shares
Trading near 52Week High.
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Agriculture
TLDR: Patented CO2 infusion and delivery technology to help INCREASE grower Yields, FASTER, reduce costs , block pathogen growth. The tech works, slowly building a customer base, they spent 2018-2020 building the companies foundation for growth. 2021 ready to rock.
This is a long play, Don’t expect quick returns right away, but it’s primed and ready to go. When the catalyst start to come it will move quickly the building blocks are there. They have small revenue at this moment but they are basically early revenue in the grand scheme of things. They basically spent 2018-2020 pivoting and building the company. I expect significant returns in 2021 as large trials initiated in 2020 will complete in 2021 then are expected to convert to sales, and we should see some swift movement up from the current SP. I predict this as a 10 bag potential within the next few years and you should some significant returns later this year.
Some TA
The daily volume has risen from ~80k (all exchanges) a day to 300k /day over the last month as positive news has started to roll in. They broke above 20 cent resistance, and they are finding support and resistance 30ths right now. On a monthly chart the MACD crossed over which has not happened since 2017.(ignore the charts < 2017, the company pivoted) . It’s trending within the Bollinger bands range on the monthly time frame, but is over extended on the weekly daily charts due to recent news releases, , however there is some sideways consolidation happening that will keep it within range.
What they do:
They have a patented system that has the potential to revolutionize the Agriculture industry. Their system infuses CO2 into water and can deliver it to plants via foliar spray. Sounds simple right? But nobody else is doing it, and nobody else can do it, they have the patents.
The tried and tested method to use CO2 in a Greenhouse is to gas a room with Co2 to allow plants to absorb CO2 to increase yields.
The drawbacks of the traditional method are many. A couple are
Their system is not limited to these drawbacks.
They have spent the last few years in startup mode. They were in a different business and found a better use for the infusion technology they already had. They pivoted in late 2017, conducted scientific research in 2018, built strategic partnerships, developed a marketing strategy and sought regulatory approvals in 2019. They are now starting to see the fruits of their work with new client announcements rolling in, and momentum has started to build in 2020 despite the pandemic. I expect to start paying off in 2021 and beyond.
Other Highlights
Start up Pains
They have had a rough start , they tried to position themselves to leverage the Canadian cannabis legalization boom. However health canada clarification took longer than expected and by the time they got what they needed they missed out. (they are ready for the USA should federal legalization come) They also took a while to find their niche, as some target opportunities did not work out. I.e Michigan flower trial did increase yields but the flower industry is timed such that they can have crops for special events. Some growers who are already heavily invested in sealed greenhouses may have a longer ROI , than say a grower who is unable to use CO2 presently.
They had a huge spike up after they announced a couple of contracts in late 2018, it was expected that they figured everything out and contracts would just roll in. This didn't happen. Alpha North asset management closed out their position of ~4 million shares to take profits, as their fund in general was underperforming at the time and Gro was keeping them afloat, this coupled with the struggle to get sales going and revenue kept the share price low throughout 2019 and 2020. Cash flow was a concern, they were lean and operational costs were low but still they were running out of cash. That is until they found a strategic investment from Ospraie Ag Science in Aug 2020, to the tune of 1.38 million with an additional 10 million shares in warrants that can be exercised.
My Opinion
It is my view that this company has flown under the radar because they needed to prove themselves to the market The science is sound, the research studies are there but the industry needs proof, via proven results. It will be a snowball effect the small clients they are starting to build now will help showcase the tech.
It took a lot longer to get through those startup pains but I feel they are at a pivotal point now. We can see that they have built a solid foundation and potential clients (trials) that started in 2020 will see fruition this year.
It was a frustrating ride as a long term shareholder expecting better returns by now . However startup pains are real. Now as I look back I see the bigger picture. You can see they made key strategic moves bringing in the right people and extending their marketing reach, they also figured out their niche. I still feel it’s the right play, and writing this DD helped me affirm that.
I wanted an investment that I felt could get me 10X returns but without huge risk something where I could sleep soundly if it took a dip (which it did) . I believed in science that was presented, again, I'm no agriculture expert. But as an investor, I felt based on the potential that this tech can offer to the agricultural industry. It’s revolutionary. I underestimated however, how long it would take to get going.
It’s my belief that it’s severely undervalued, but it's poised to pop. Once you take a step back and look at the strategic moves they have made in the previous years in terms of marketing and client development. They just need that key catalyst i.e. proven revenue. Once the large trials that started in 2020 wrap up we will expect those to convert to revenue. I also believe that they wouldn't have received the cash injection from Ospraie Ag Science of 1.38 million if the revenue model to move forward did not look good.
The management proved they were still able to move forward despite the pandemic, they are still committed to the company as shown by not taking a salary, a key factor that’s kept me invested so far.
It appears they are starting to get sales without the need for trials from small growers, and larger grower operations with bigger revenue potentials require trials. If you look at the releases below you can get a sense of what the company has done. The many opportunities that started in 2020 that should pay off in 2021. The news from the 2nd half of 2020 and Q1 of 2021 thus far shows that they are gaining momentum.
Disclaimer: I own shares of CO2 Gro, I am not an agricultural expert. I am not a financial expert. This is my opinion.
Company History and Key Press Releases
The before times : 2013 < 2017 . The company was in the Shrimp Oil and then the Algee business. In 2017 they announced a pivot to explore plant growth with the CO2 infusion tech created by John Archibald and team. They sold off the shrimp oil business as and transitioned leadership in 2017 [1] [2]
Feb 2018 They were selected as a TSX Venture top 50 for 2017
March 2018 Name Change from Blueoceans Nutrasceiences to Co2 Grow
May 2018 Approved for LP Usage
June 2018 Results form Lettice Study
Jun 2018 Announces benefits non Greenhouse - Outdoor use
July 2018 Additional Results form Lettuce Study
July 2018 Cannabis Trial - 45% increase in value
Aug 2018 Cannabis Trial - 60% increase in value 75 % increase in THC
Sept 2018 Engagement in additional scientific reviews
Sept 2018 Additional Scientific results
Oct 2018 Cannabis Trial Results -74 % increase in value
Oct 2018 Flower Trials Results
Nov 2019 Pepper Trial Results
Dec 2018 - Discovered that the tech reduces pathogens from developing
Dec 2018 First Sale
Feb 2019 Pathogen results from Cannabis
April 2019 Key Board Member appointment
June 2019 Corp Update - Second Sale
July 2019 Chief Science Officer
Sept 2019 Patent Application
Sep 2019 Flower Trial
Sept 2019 Tobacco Trial Results
Dec 2019 Cannabis Trial
Also in 2019
3 Partnerships for Marketing
READ MORE Marketing in Middle East Gulf Cryo
READ MORE Marketing in USA
READ MORE Marketing in North America targeting - Cannabis, Hemp CBD growers
Also in 2019 Trade Show Presentations
2019 Summary
3 Marketing Agreements - Middle East, USA, North America (cannabis)
5 Trade Shows
2 Sales
3 Trials
Jan 2020 Marketing agreement in Israel
Feb 2020 Trade Show
Feb 2020 Hemp Trial Announcement - > this ended up with a sale
Feb 2020 Corp Update
March 2020 - COVID UPDATE
April 2020 - Hemp Trial Start
April 2020 - Lettuce Trial UAE *as a result of 2019 Marketing Agreement with Gulf Cryo*
May 2020 - Canadian Cannabis Trial - 12 Months
April 2020 - Canadian Cannabis Trial
June 2020 - Michigan Cannabis Trial
June 2020 - Trial in Columbia Rose grower
July 2020 - Trial- Leafy Greens - Florida
July 2020 - Trial Cannabis - California
Aug 2020 - 1.38 Million Cash - Ospraie Ag Science 10% ownership
Aug 2020 - Trial - Canadian Cannabis - 6 Months
Aug 2020 - Trial Peppers - El Salvador - Ends April 2021
Sep 2020 - Trial - IOWA - Strawberries
Sept 2020 - Marketing Agrereemnt - UK , Netherlands, Belgium
Oct 2020 - Q3 Corp Update
Oct 2020 - El Salvador Pepper Trial Start
Nov 2020 - SALE - Cannabis - no trial
Nob 2020 Trade Show Presentation
Nov 2020 SALE - BC Cannabis - no trial
Dec 2020 - Scientific Study Update
Dec 2020 - Marketing Agreement - South Africa
Dec 2020 - SALE - Ontario Cannabis - no trial
2020 Summary
3 Marketing Agreements , expanding reach to Israel, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, South Africa
2 Trade Shows
10 Trials
3 Sales
CASH 1.38 Million
Jan 2021 - Q3 Update - 202 Summary
Jan 2021 - Trial Progress Report - for El salvador Peppers
Jan 2021 - SALE Cannabis - Canada - No Trial
Jan 2021 - Management Update - New Head of Sales
Jan 2021 - Marketing - Malaysia
Jan 2021 - Trial - France / Marketing France
Feb 2021 - Trial Tomatoes Ontario - 1 year
Customer Presentation :
Q4 2020 FAQ:
Q4 2020 Fact Sheet:
Youtube Channel:
Tech presentations :
This Video :
And this podcast
An Excellent Blog that follows Co2 Gro. Very in depth , highly recommend a read as they dive into the financials etc.
Insider Transactions[company_symbol]=GROW
submitted by k0d3r3d to Canadapennystocks [link] [comments]

CO2 Gro Inc (TSX Venture) GROW.V - Why I think 2021 is the year this company will make some moves. Patented technology that will revolutionize the agricultural industry. Science speaks for itself. Increase yields, blocks pathogen growth, reduces overhead costs, quick ROI. amazing potential

Share Price: 31.0 cents at the time of writing Feb 2.
Market Cap ~24Million
Shares Outstanding ~80 million shares
Trading near 52Week High.
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Agriculture
TLDR: Patented CO2 infusion and delivery technology to help INCREASE grower Yields, FASTER, reduce costs , block pathogen growth. The tech works, slowly building a customer base, they spent 2018-2020 building the companies foundation for growth. 2021 ready to rock.
This is a long play, Don’t expect quick returns right away, but it’s primed and ready to go. When the catalyst start to come it will move quickly the building blocks are there. They have small revenue at this moment but they are basically early revenue in the grand scheme of things. They basically spent 2018-2020 pivoting and building the company. I expect significant returns in 2021 as large trials initiated in 2020 will complete in 2021 then are expected to convert to sales, and we should see some swift movement up from the current SP. I predict this as a 10 bag potential within the next few years and you should some significant returns later this year.
Some TA
The daily volume has risen from ~80k (all exchanges) a day to 300k /day over the last month as positive news has started to roll in. They broke above 20 cent resistance, and they are finding support and resistance 30ths right now. On a monthly chart the MACD crossed over which has not happened since 2017.(ignore the charts < 2017, the company pivoted) . It’s trending within the Bollinger bands range on the monthly time frame, but is over extended on the weekly daily charts due to recent news releases, , however there is some sideways consolidation happening that will keep it within range.
What they do:
They have a patented system that has the potential to revolutionize the Agriculture industry. Their system infuses CO2 into water and can deliver it to plants via foliar spray. Sounds simple right? But nobody else is doing it, and nobody else can do it, they have the patents.
The tried and tested method to use CO2 in a Greenhouse is to gas a room with Co2 to allow plants to absorb CO2 to increase yields.
The drawbacks of the traditional method are many. A couple are
A greenhouse has to be sealed to use CO2 gas, sealed greenhouses are expensive
A greenhouse that needs to vent frequently (such as hot climates) cannot gas a room with CO2
A large amount of CO2 is required to gas a room, but only a fraction of it is absorbed by the plants
The amount of CO2 to used to gas a room is hazardous for humans working in the room
This method cannot be used outdoors
Their system is not limited to these drawbacks.
They have spent the last few years in startup mode. They were in a different business and found a better use for the infusion technology they already had. They pivoted in late 2017, conducted scientific research in 2018, built strategic partnerships, developed a marketing strategy and sought regulatory approvals in 2019. They are now starting to see the fruits of their work with new client announcements rolling in, and momentum has started to build in 2020 despite the pandemic. I expect to start paying off in 2021 and beyond.
Increases grower yields, and reduces costs on the amount of CO2 that would traditionally be used to fill a room with co2.
reduced usage of co2 (up to 90% less) it is an eco / green friendly solution.
It can be used in applications where traditional CO2 gassing wont work e.g hot climates that need to frequently vent the hot air out of a greenhouse cannot contain CO2.
It can be used outdoors as it’s infused in water
a huge unintended benefit was found that because of the fluctuating PH balance that the co2 dosing gives they can control and prevent pathogen growth e.g bacteria, mold , etc
Other Highlights
New technology that can revolutionize the agriculture industry, multiple applications from vegetables to cannabis to Flowers .
There are patents that have been filed to protect the application.
They have demonstrated some very strategic play’s such as management appointments, marketing agreements across the globe , and solid scientific research.
Found a strategic investor Ospraie Ag Science that was able to inject 1.38 Million cash to keep operations going.
Management is NOT taking a salary until they are cash positive.
25% ownership by management
If cannabis is legalized in the US at a federal level, it opens the door for the company to operate with additional cannabis growers.
2017 was a pivot year they sold off their old business
2018 they completed a number of scientific research studies.
2019 They focused on marketing and expanding their sales reach, they discovered it would take more effort to break into this market of tried and tested methods.
2020 despite the pandemic , they were able to get several trials initiated with sales rolling in Q4, they were also able to get a much needed cash infusion of 1.38 million from a very strategic partner for a 10% ownership stake.
Start up Pains
They have had a rough start , they tried to position themselves to leverage the Canadian cannabis legalization boom. However health canada clarification took longer than expected and by the time they got what they needed they missed out. (they are ready for the USA should federal legalization come) They also took a while to find their niche, as some target opportunities did not work out. I.e Michigan flower trial did increase yields but the flower industry is timed such that they can have crops for special events. Some growers who are already heavily invested in sealed greenhouses may have a longer ROI , than say a grower who is unable to use CO2 presently.
They had a huge spike up after they announced a couple of contracts in late 2018, it was expected that they figured everything out and contracts would just roll in. This didn't happen. Alpha North asset management closed out their position of ~4 million shares to take profits, as their fund in general was underperforming at the time and Gro was keeping them afloat, this coupled with the struggle to get sales going and revenue kept the share price low throughout 2019 and 2020. Cash flow was a concern, they were lean and operational costs were low but still they were running out of cash. That is until they found a strategic investment from Ospraie Ag Science in Aug 2020, to the tune of 1.38 million with an additional 10 million shares in warrants that can be exercised.
Sales for large grow operations looks like it can take 6~12 months based upon trials. On the flip side we have seen a few NR’s with sales without trials .
The target market is rooted in tried and tested methods . I.e it’s taking significantly longer to break into the market. Once momentum gets going this will be a non issue.
Revenue model: It’s unknown how much the systems sell for as they don’t want to publicize a pricing model that will change based on many factors. We do know its priced per square footage. They offer leasing on the hardware and we do know that there is a licensing cost associated and maintenance contracts available that should bring in a recurring revenue model. They were initially targeting a pure recurring revenue model but had to shift to break into the market. Until we start seeing real revenue coming in we can start getting an understanding of what we can expect. And this will be the biggest catalyst for the SP .
There was mention of litigation at one point with use to license but not sure where that stands.
Liquidity is low, but it seems that volume is starting to pick up .
My Opinion
It is my view that this company has flown under the radar because they needed to prove themselves to the market The science is sound, the research studies are there but the industry needs proof, via proven results. It will be a snowball effect the small clients they are starting to build now will help showcase the tech.
It took a lot longer to get through those startup pains but I feel they are at a pivotal point now. We can see that they have built a solid foundation and potential clients (trials) that started in 2020 will see fruition this year.
It was a frustrating ride as a long term shareholder expecting better returns by now . However startup pains are real. Now as I look back I see the bigger picture. You can see they made key strategic moves bringing in the right people and extending their marketing reach, they also figured out their niche. I still feel it’s the right play, and writing this DD helped me affirm that.
I wanted an investment that I felt could get me 10X returns but without huge risk something where I could sleep soundly if it took a dip (which it did) . I believed in science that was presented, again, I'm no agriculture expert. But as an investor, I felt based on the potential that this tech can offer to the agricultural industry. It’s revolutionary. I underestimated however, how long it would take to get going.
It’s my belief that it’s severely undervalued, but it's poised to pop. Once you take a step back and look at the strategic moves they have made in the previous years in terms of marketing and client development. They just need that key catalyst i.e. proven revenue. Once the large trials that started in 2020 wrap up we will expect those to convert to revenue. I also believe that they wouldn't have received the cash injection from Ospraie Ag Science of 1.38 million if the revenue model to move forward did not look good.
The management proved they were still able to move forward despite the pandemic, they are still committed to the company as shown by not taking a salary, a key factor that’s kept me invested so far.
It appears they are starting to get sales without the need for trials from small growers, and larger grower operations with bigger revenue potentials require trials. If you look at the releases below you can get a sense of what the company has done. The many opportunities that started in 2020 that should pay off in 2021. The news from the 2nd half of 2020 and Q1 of 2021 thus far shows that they are gaining momentum.
Disclaimer: I own shares of CO2 Gro, I am not an agricultural expert. I am not a financial expert. This is my opinion.
Company History and Key Press Releases
The before times : 2013 < 2017 . The company was in the Shrimp Oil and then the Algee business. In 2017 they announced a pivot to explore plant growth with the CO2 infusion tech created by John Archibald and team. They sold off the shrimp oil business as and transitioned leadership in 2017 [1] [2]
Feb 2018 They were selected as a TSX Venture top 50 for 2017
March 2018 Name Change from Blueoceans Nutrasceiences to Co2 Grow
May 2018 Approved for LP Usage
June 2018 Results form Lettice Study
Jun 2018 Announces benefits non Greenhouse - Outdoor use
July 2018 Additional Results form Lettuce Study
July 2018 Cannabis Trial - 45% increase in value
Aug 2018 Cannabis Trial - 60% increase in value 75 % increase in THC
Sept 2018 Engagement in additional scientific reviews
Sept 2018 Additional Scientific results
Oct 2018 Cannabis Trial Results -74 % increase in value
Oct 2018 Flower Trials Results
Nov 2019 Pepper Trial Results
Dec 2018 - Discovered that the tech reduces pathogens from developing
Dec 2018 First Sale
Feb 2019 Pathogen results from Cannabis
April 2019 Key Board Member appointment
June 2019 Corp Update - Second Sale
July 2019 Chief Science Officer
Sept 2019 Patent Application
Sep 2019 Flower Trial
Sept 2019 Tobacco Trial Results
Dec 2019 Cannabis Trial
Also in 2019
3 Partnerships for Marketing
READ MORE Marketing in Middle East Gulf Cryo
READ MORE Marketing in USA
READ MORE Marketing in North America targeting - Cannabis, Hemp CBD growers
Also in 2019 Trade Show Presentations
2019 Summary
3 Marketing Agreements - Middle East, USA, North America (cannabis)
5 Trade Shows
2 Sales
3 Trials
Jan 2020 Marketing agreement in Israel
Feb 2020 Trade Show
Feb 2020 Hemp Trial Announcement - > this ended up with a sale
Feb 2020 Corp Update
March 2020 - COVID UPDATE
April 2020 - Hemp Trial Start
April 2020 - Lettuce Trial UAE as a result of 2019 Marketing Agreement with Gulf Cryo
May 2020 - Canadian Cannabis Trial - 12 Months
April 2020 - Canadian Cannabis Trial
June 2020 - Michigan Cannabis Trial
June 2020 - Trial in Columbia Rose grower
July 2020 - Trial- Leafy Greens - Florida
July 2020 - Trial Cannabis - California
Aug 2020 - 1.38 Million Cash - Ospraie Ag Science 10% ownership
Aug 2020 - Trial - Canadian Cannabis - 6 Months
Aug 2020 - Trial Peppers - El Salvador - Ends April 2021
Sep 2020 - Trial - IOWA - Strawberries
Sept 2020 - Marketing Agrereemnt - UK , Netherlands, Belgium
Oct 2020 - Q3 Corp Update
Oct 2020 - El Salvador Pepper Trial Start
Nov 2020 - SALE - Cannabis - no trial
Nob 2020 Trade Show Presentation
Nov 2020 SALE - BC Cannabis - no trial
Dec 2020 - Scientific Study Update
Dec 2020 - Marketing Agreement - South Africa
Dec 2020 - SALE - Ontario Cannabis - no trial
2020 Summary
3 Marketing Agreements , expanding reach to Israel, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, South Africa
2 Trade Shows
10 Trials
3 Sales
CASH 1.38 Million
Jan 2021 - Q3 Update - 202 Summary
Jan 2021 - Trial Progress Report - for El salvador Peppers
Jan 2021 - SALE Cannabis - Canada - No Trial
Jan 2021 - Management Update - New Head of Sales
Jan 2021 - Marketing - Malaysia
Jan 2021 - Trial - France / Marketing France
Feb 2021 - Trial Tomatoes Ontario - 1 year
Customer Presentation :
Q4 2020 FAQ:
Q4 2020 Fact Sheet:
Youtube Channel:
Tech presentations :
This Video :
And this podcast
An Excellent Blog that follows Co2 Gro. Very in depth , highly recommend a read as they dive into the financials etc.
Insider Transactions[company_symbol]=GROW
EDIT : looks like the original post got truncated some how
submitted by k0d3r3d to pennystocks [link] [comments]

I cracked One Piece: It wasn't Grand Line but GROUND LINE

As you know, the very own final island of One Piece wasn't spelled Raftel, but Laugh Tale. Now I don't know much about Japanese to English phonetic translations, but I'd expect it to be laugh "teiru" not "teru." We can chalk this up to Oda using it as word play which is pretty fine as much as I dislike it.

tl;dr imu is uranus who ate a heaven-heaven/planet-planet fruit who reshaped the land before the ancient kingdom could combine their ancient weapon pluton with poseidon to take out 20 kingdoms

However, today it hit me. I was thinking about Gran D. Line and Re D. Line troll theories the other day and then I realized, how do you spell grand line? Gurando Rain, GROUND LINE. From there on I concocted the theory of how uranus was used to absorb a planet into the one piece world to reshape the land.

(p.s. Before I go into further detail, we must understand one thing: The Void Century was the climax of events leading up to it; it was a clash not a beginning. What I'm trying to say is that things were already in motion before the void century. The tontattas were under Donquixote family's oppressive rule 200 years from void century itself. It is also around that time that people from the moon descended to earth. This is important because this implies that the ancient weapons have a history that goes back from void century.)

The Originator of Red Line: The Red Planet Mars

Most of you must have realized that the world of One Piece has very little land compared to our world. This can be chalked up to it being a mostly water-filled fantasy planet, however a sizable chunk of the fan base is probably as suspicious as I am. Not only the world of one piece is full of water, but there is also the red line that looks as if it was added to the world suddenly. It is as if red line doesn't belong to the world but somewhere else, like, another planet (possibly Mars) and that the world of One Piece before void century was quite different than the one we know today.
If we look at it from this perspective, it makes so much sense that the void century breaks history, almost literally. There is such disconnection between its before and after that those who are interested in history cannot make sense of it at all.

Mars is in the details

Now, mythologically, Mars is the Roman God of war and also an agricultural guardian. the god of WAR and also an AGRICULTURAL GUARDIAN. If we think back to the scene with Imu in the garden, this makes somewhat of a sense and If we think of mars as a symbol of the world government, it makes even more sense. First of all, Latin adjectives from the name of Mars are martius and martialis, from which derive English "martial" (as in "martial arts" or "martial law.") Martial Law, especially with Akainu at the helm might as well be the norm currently in the story. World Government is also ruthless that even ideas from the poneglyphs is presented as highly dangerous. All in all, they are pretty despotic which falls in line with the idea of martial law. There is also this little tidbit: Although Ares was viewed primarily as a destructive and destabilizing force, Mars represented military power as a way to secure peace, and was a father (pater) of the Roman people. We all know securing peace and the "balance of three powers" is really important to the world government. And this: Mars takes its name from the god of war in ancient Greek and Roman mythology. The Greek god Ares became Mars in the Roman adaptation of the deities. Mars’ two moons are named for Phobos and Deimos, in legend the twin sons of Ares who personified fear and panic. The World Government largely rules through fear and panic.
Now, I have mentioned that the land is scarce in One Piece which is a fact. This should raise the question of how people and whole countries sustain themselves. We might say they either hunt, fish, or GROW CROPS. Now who has the control of most of the lands? Who demands tribute from every allied kingdom? What happens to lands like Wano who aren't allied? (Of the allied kingdoms Dressrosa was pretty fertile and we can write off alabasta as a traitor country.) Do you see a faint pattern here? World Government has monopolized the land of one piece. Now you could say red line is wholly empty but we don't actually know. Mary Geoise is the holy land, no one who wouldn't benefit from there can go to red line at all. And we haven't heard anything about what's on red line from anyone whatsoever. Isn't that suspicious? On that note, why did all the kings decide to move to mary geoise if it had scarce food supply. I think this also answers Tequila Wolf by the way. It is constructed to extract more resources from East Blue. (In chapter 906, the beautiful forest Shirahoshi sees on Mary Geoise is mentioned to be man-made.)

"Little note: Red soil is known to be bad water-holder however given that one piece world is full of water it is a non issue. I'm sure celestial dragons can distill sea-water."

Ground Line and The Void Century

In my theory, the world of one piece had less water than it does today. This falls in line with the fact of kozuki stonemasons' inscribing nautical information of laugh tale, which is probably correct if they insribed it after the catalysmic event as the last resort (and they did.)
Grand Line, as it is called today, was actually above the sea level with red line being non-existent. There is a lot of reaching in my ideas here but bear with me. I think we are going to see parallels drawn between void century and the current day events aka final war.
In Punk Hazard we saw Law talking about how the big players of the world were amassing power as if they were getting ready for a big event, an arms race if you will. The parallel could exactly be this.
Now in One Piece, the past is shown to be more technologically advanced and the old guard of roger, whitebeard, xebec, garp has been portrayed as monsters that cannot even be hoped to be challenged by the present day pirates (sure kaido had a chance at beating old whitebeard but beating him in his prime? Hardly.) So the past has always been shown as stronger than the present. (mind the word present here.)
The Parallel here is that, weak pirates of today are amassing childish toys like smile fruits, captain allies or getting into "pirate games like making alliances" while the STRONGER parties of the ancient times did that by going for ANCIENT WEAPONS. What is an army of smiles before the might of Pluton? or Poseidon? You get the idea.
I think, the number of three is really well chosen by Oda. It refers to land, seas and the sky first of all. I'm going to say, Pluton was in the making by the ancient kingdom while the 20 countries were creating or going after Uranus. This makes Poseidon a third party that can win either of them the game. We now know that Poseidon and Joy Boy were in cahoots and that Joy Boy left one piece on Laugh Tale. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that the ancient kingdom was going to win with the pluton+poseidon combo. This makes even more sense when you think that Alabasta's poneglyph tells the location of pluton and its kings were entrusted with its protection through obscurity. Remember, Alabasta is a traitor country, which makes sense if ancient kingdom and king of alabasta was also in cahoots but alabasta did a last minute "betrayal" as a spy of sorts on a millennia spawning scheme. This also explains their refusal to join them on the Holy Land Mary Geoise, to protect Pluton's poneglyph closely.

Devil Fruits?

Now this is where I thought to myself, "but wait Req, how do devil fruits play into this?" And I have two ideas on this one. First, Uranus is either a combination of individuals that ate certain devil fruits, (5 elder STARS ANYONE?) or one person with one devil fruit or uranus is something like a machine. Now, I'd use gravity and darkness fruits as examples of the five or more but they wouldn't freely give the gravity fruit to an admiral so that theory flops. HOWEVER, what if uranus is the ultimate devil fruit eater, one that cannot manipulate gravity or darkness but PLANETS AKA CELESTIAL OR HEAVENLY BODIES! This would include water manipulation to ground manipulation as well. We know Birkans left the moon because the planet ran out of resources. This gives the ancient kingdom who probably descended from MARS ample reason to stop them to prevent the same thing happening to their new world! (there are craters like the ones on the moon on depictions of the ancient kingdom!) Also, this falls in line with the national treasure of mary geoise and ope ope no mi, you change your soul with IM's and voilâ, you rule planets!

So, Uranus, now known as IM drained Mars (going from the moon to the world of one piece easier which might mean space travel is easier, I mean Enel reached the moon!) and created red line from its soil and filled Ground Line making it Grand Line (since world government can erase history and manipulate information, manipulating the homophones of Grand Line and Ground Line must have been a cake walk.) Im probably didn't need to go to mars, just view it to manipulate it. We know that Ohara had a celestial model with many moons around one piece.

The origin of devil fruits is as much a mystery to the world government as to us which makes sense considering they are trying to make vegapunk explain it all. This also explains the mysticism surrounding them and how they have power over life and death. (sea devil and such legends and explaining them through science fits here)

On the will of D. and the Straw Hat

I think, the red line on the straw hat and why IM viewed the giant straw hat at the Levely is connected. (oh on that note oda doesn't do mistakes like that by chance, levely is a lot closer to leveling, like leveling of an entire city OR A CONTINENT!) IM, before killing joy boy, probably heard joyboy saying that "this planet will perish too, and then you will remember why I tried to stop you" It was a lot like reminiscing for im in the storage than anything else if you look at it that way (why go into a cold storage room to view something anyway?)

I think, the clan of d. is on the side of harmony since they drained their planet and didn't want the same thing to happen here while IM and the world government's ancestors were on the side of control and consumption. and I think, this is reaching, a lot of reaching so this is just a guess like most things in this post but D stands for DENGE, which is Turkish for harmony I'm Turkish and I tried to search Japanese for a word that starts with D that means harmony to no avail, help me out here. Think of it as my parting gift.
And this is it my friends, I think this is where we stand right now. The explanation of devil fruits, how the future will triumph the old guard of the past and whether harmony will win and revert the land BACK IN ONE PIECE will be seen by us all.

(This also explains how they deleted god valley, no a buster call wouldnt work at all.) Also, ALL Blue could be a water planet, maybe IM used a water planet for water and another one codename:mars for red line who knows.)

tl;dr imu is uranus who ate a heaven-heaven/planet-planet fruit who reshaped the land before the ancient kingdom could combine their ancient weapon pluton with poseidon to take out 20 kingdoms
submitted by Reqvhio to OnePiece [link] [comments]

Everything is scripted

Everything is scripted
Ever wonder why the number 28/29 seems to be a number that keeps showing up in movies, packaging, songs/movie runtimes/newspapers? As someone who was born on a leap year it was something I’d picked up on my whole life – and yet I never really understood what it meant
Initially, I attributed it to a form of creative expression that utilised a leap year as some kind of solemn metaphor or that one psychological condition that makes you look for things that aren’t there - superstition - it turns out I wasn’t entirely right
Back in August, I had a go at decoding a cryptic note linked to the unsolved case of Rey Rivera (you can read the full note/case details here if you're interested). My attention was drawn to the list of movies included in the note, as I thought there was a possibility that whoever wrote the note was using each individual plot in order to communicate what was happening to him or what would happen to him
I started using Gematria to try and decipher the note and it wasn’t long before I found myself in QAnon territory - but fear not; everything connected seamlessly, and it brought me back to the movie list
The first 3 words of the note "Brothers and sisters" translated to "Follow the White Rabbit" and given the fact that The Matrix was included in the movie list, I couldn't ignore it (especially when I had a few translations that pushed the narrative of there being "no such thing as coincidences")
...Now, you're probably familiar with the saying "white rabbits" for the first of the month, or the "Page" from Alice in Wonderland that was running late (it's also worth mentioning that Alice in Wonderland was published on the 26th November 1865 - 6=9/29)
According to The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy, the answer to everything is '42' - if you take it apart, 4x2 =8 / 2 / ... you get 28
Taking all of this into consideration, I realised that the "white rabbit" must be linked to a leap year - 28/29 represents the rabbit hole
And where do you see the numbers 28/29 the most? In the media
If the movie plots were being used to convey what was happening to him, could movie plots also script reality itself? Is that what fuels the conspiracy theory that the media conditions us to accept things before they happen because it is happening?
To keep a long story short, the answer is yes - the "answers to everything" have been right in front of us the whole time; transparently so, to the point where trying to prove it would make it extremely difficult... But that's what made it so effective
After understanding the significance of numbers and "coincidences", I started to google the timestamps/links of posts from various verified influencers using UTC (important) and it turns out that these are the tunnels that lead to classified information - posts from verified accounts aren't posted by the actual content creator (e.g. this would be a starting point/pointer - Google both 11:30/1130)
Of course one post alone wouldn't be enough to make sense on its own, so you have to apply this to all verified accounts in real-time in order to connect the dots - from my own attempts of doing this, I've found that it's all mostly related to Covid-19, the vaccines, and everything that's going on between the US/Russia/China
It's a shame that Trump's account was suspended before I got around to posting this, but nevertheless, the tunnels continue:
\"Who\" = World Health Organisation
While following the timestamps of tweets of verified accounts, some timestamps lead me to specific albums/songs/movies/video games - a little bit like Rey's note; for example - post time 7:27 - Google 7:27 and it leads you to an album by Fifth Harmony - analytically, there are 2 people in the picture, so that takes you to track number 2
Fifth Harmony - Work From Home
"Put in them hours, I'mma make it hotter - relates to climate change
I'll make it feel like a vacay, turn the bed into an ocean (ever heard of sweating out a cold?)
We don't need nobody, I just need your body (vaccines)
Nothin' but sheets in between us, ain't no getting off early (fur-ly/furlough)
You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work Work, work, work Let my body do the work, work, work, work" (does this imply that healthcare $$$ will do the work?)
Keep in mind that this song came out in 2016
This made me realize that absolutely everything in the media is scripted to contain (what I think is) classified information
I've been analyzing timestamps of verified influencers for a while now and it's come to my understanding that song lyrics are created using GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text) and the way it works is that you can feed it classified documents and have it churn out a cryptic song/script/article
Also, I've come to learn (most of) the symbols that are used to represent coded information in the media
...I'll use the 'Qanon Shaman' as an example to demonstrate how this works, seeing as this is the most recent event where it's been made visible (see here)
Everything about him has a meaning, but I'll focus on these aspects in particular
His (real?) tattoo of Thor's hammer on his abdomen symbolizes the God of thunder - this is directly linked to the main symbol used in the media to convey what I've come to know as 'light communication'
Ʊ - a symbol for electric conductance, otherwise known as Siemens
Siemens also doubles as a surname:
Recorded in over one hundred surname spellings throughout Europe, this interesting surname is of pre- written historical origins. It ultimately derives from the Hebrew personal name "Shimeon", meaning "one who harkens" (harkens = listens). The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of John Simond, which was dated 1273, in the "Hundred Rolls of Oxfordshire", during the reign of King Edward 1, known as "The Hammer of the Scots"
The hammer tattoo and calling himself the 'QAnon Shamon' was no coincidence
Other symbols/numbers to look for:
c - a symbol for the speed of light - or 'V' (5 in Roman numals) I've found is commonly displayed using the palm of your hand or anything drawing attention to the number 5 - I've found that V references tend to point to China/Russia (⭐5 point star)
Valknut on his chest - traingles = 3 points 3
3 = G(God/respective to light) "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. This application of "light compared with darkness" also appears in 1 John 1:5 which applies it to God and states: "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all"
"Light" has also been hinted at in politics (here's an example from the debate on none other than the 29th September - note "1929"/"down here" aka the rabbit hole)
33 = 33rd degree Freemason (Scottish Rite/Grand lodge) - this links back to Ʊ and is represented by black/white/chess boards - the QAnon Shamon was a "33 year old failed actor"
**"**Edward succeeded his father Henry III of England (r. 1216-1272 CE) and was known as 'Longshanks' for his impressive height and as 'the Hammer of the Scots' for his repeated attacks on Scotland"
"Grand Hyatt New York - Trump, however, did not have the $250,000 necessary to secure the option. Nevertheless, Trump's father, Fred Trump, had a long time political connection through ...Opening: January 28, 1919 original, September ...Floor count: 26" / Trump's random golf course in Scotland
Example status here (check the timestamps) - a reference to Club 33/Disney's "Imagineers" "one who listens
11 = The caduceus (traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. It is often used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of Asclepius, especially in the United States)
7 = Freedom from God (represented by the color violet - if you ever see the number 7 paired with violet, this is derived from 'The Seven Rays of Light')
.@ = mouse - a game of cat and mouse (similar to "follow the white rabbit")

Light symbolism (Ʊ/c/V(5)/3) is what's used to communicate coded messages in the media:
If you're not entirely convinced, go and look through a playlist and try and find album art that doesn't contain a reference to Ʊ, c, V (5), or 3 (sometimes it's hard to find, but it'll always be there - it can be included in the song titles as well) ...I'll add a document of numerous examples for a point of reference
There's no easy way to say it, but album art, lyrics and the names of the artists themselves (not their real names) are used to convey coded messages;for example, "Drake" = a male duck - Donald Duck/Donald Trump - follow the lyrics
Frank Ocean - Blond:
What Causes Blonde Hair to Turn Green? Copper is the culprit. This metal is found in most pools, and when it is oxidized by chlorine, it binds to the proteins in your hair strands, turning it green
Make educated inferences based on research:
The Chalcolithic period, or Copper Age, was an era of transition between the stone tool-using farmers of the Neolithic and the metal-obsessed civilizations of the Bronze Age.
Frank Ocean = The three gifts had a spiritual meaning: gold as a symbol of kingship on earth, frankincense (an incense) as a symbol of deity, and myrrh (an embalming oil) as a symbol of death
Ocean = Ace/1
Metal producers = China = no.1 ("kingship on Earth")
In 2019, total world crude steel production was 1869.9 million tonnes (Mt). The biggest steel producing country is currently China, which accounted for 53.3% of world steel production in 2019.
Frankincense = incense/airbourne (Covid/China)
When you consider the fact that Trump denies climate change to support the production of oil/fossil fuel to maintain ties with Russia and Biden advocates for green energy (beneficial to China), this kind of analogy makes a lot of sense, and this relationship is conveyed in a lot of shows/movies - E.G. Harley Quinn (Harley = MotoOil / Green Ivy=Green energy)
The featheblack and white beads:
You might remember back in September there was a video of Biden saying that he'd been in office for 180 years
While it was mostly seen as another one of Biden's "gaffes", the reality of the situation is that it was a reference to the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC); a group that operates in 180 year cycles
AMORC's teachings cover what may be termed the "Sacred Sciences"
From my current understanding, black and white is supposed to symbolize the and the feud between oil/gas/nuclear energy (Trump) and green energy (Biden)
The black represents oil/coal and the white represents calcium chloride (commonly used in the production of cocaine and is used as a deicer - in code terms, cc = climate change - there's a reason they focused on Biden's son and his cocaine addiction in the debates and why Glaceau Smartwater was founded by Coca-Cola)
The use of black and white also relates to Freemasonry, which is often referred to in the media by using the number 33 (33rd Degree Freemason) or references to chess
There's plenty of songs about it for a reason and they convey the ongoing conflict between oil/green energy (the same is applicable to "Black and Yellow" - think white supremacy in terms of "science")
Black & White - Juice Wrld
I'm in my black Benz
Doin' cocaine with my black friends
Uh, we'll be high as hell before the night ends,
Oh, we'll be high before the night ends
Niall Horan - Black and White
Fumbling for your keys, then I kissed you
Then you took my hand, and I followed you
A lot of what I've found relates to oil/fossil fuel/nuclear energy vs climate change/green energy/the Paris agreement; for example:
Status: In "code" terms, wearing a bear represents the death of a bear market (stocks) - in this case relating to electric energy (Siemens)
And this... Well... This is the indicator of a bull market (stocks) for green energy now that Biden has won the election ("burning man" = oil advocate aka Trump)
And while you could argue that it represents the death of a bull market seeing as he's wearing it the same as Taylor, the timestamp says otherwise (6:49 takes you to lottery results)
While we're on the topic of "Burning" Man, I might as well throw in the fact that the names used in the media are fake as well (for a recent point of reference, see Bill "Burns" as Biden's new lead of the CIA). Another one of my favorite examples of how names are fake is represented in Star Wars (which in itself represents everything that's going on - let's just say there's a reason that Star Wars was banned in China)
Mark Hamill = Reference to the bay of pigs invasion
Harrison Ford = Sun (China), Ford (flood) (relate to rising sea levels/climate change) - there's a reason he's called Han Solo (Wuhan/Solo#1)
Carrie Fisher = Nuclear fission
...And Chewbacca = chewing tobacco/tobacco/smoke
It's no coincidence that Elon became the richest person in the World after Biden was elected seeing as Biden is such a big advocate for Green energy (beneficial to China) whereas Trump tried to deny climate change to give power to the oil trade/maintain a healthy relationship with Russia (severs ties with China)
I mean, does any of this look real to you?
Another thing worth mentioning is that he/him she/her accounts, accounts with an obscene amount of emojis (e.g ⚡️✨🌸🐇) or accounts in foreign languages that seem to spam retweets/statuses that make no sense are just bots that are used to convey these messages (they offer context to the bigger picture when looking into the timestamps
(referring to this status and the bot account it's replying to - 11:09 takes you to 9/11)
"Hi sisters!!"/twin towers/ I(SIS) - side note: James' paperclip earring points to operation paperclip, for additional context / 11 = The caduceus (WHO) - 'Snakes on a Plane' ???
Timestamp inferences from both posts:
Sun Race / Space Race
The Space Race was an informal 20th-century competition between two Cold War rivals, the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (US), to achieve firsts in spaceflight capability. It had its origins in the ballistic missile-based nuclear arms race between the two nations following World War II.
With a war on green energy/oil/gas/nuclear energy established and the fact that the media conceals what's really happening, you can go on to make more inferences from the past! And seeing as the post was addressing 9/11, let's go there:
"The September 11 attacks, often referred to as 9/11, were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Wahhabi terrorist group Al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.Injured: 25,000Date: September 11, 2001; 19 years ago; 8:46 – ...Deaths: 2,996"
Wahhabi = Wuhan
Al = AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Qaeda = A&E / Quarantine (911 in itself = emergency phone number)
ISIS = The caduceus (11)
"The Falling Man" = The Fall of Man (relate to China (AI) vs nuclear energy (Russia))
2:22 (plot):
Two planes almost collide after a blinding flash of light paralyzes air traffic controller Dylan Branson for a few seconds. Suspended from his job, Dylan starts to notice a repetition of sounds and events in his life at exactly the same time every day. An underlying pattern soon builds
Initial release: 29 June 2017 (Russia)
"Air France Flight 447 (AF447 or AFR447) was a scheduled international passenger flight from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Paris, France. On 1 June 2009, the Airbus A330 serving the flight stalled and did not recover, eventually crashing into the Atlantic Ocean at 02:14 UTC, killing all 228 passengers and crew."
(Relate this to The Paris Agreement)
"With the world's second-largest economy and the highest mobile payment penetration on earth, China has transformed into a global technology leader (#1), and many multinational companies are assessing the country's current and future market outlook.30 Oct 2019"
Totally normal...
Relating the notion that China is going to become #1 with AI/technology back to the note in Rey's case, there was a mention of the 'Da Vinci Surgical Robot' which was in the financial interests of the Oxford Club back in 2004 (you can read an article about it here if you're interested - its implications are pretty disturbing retrospectively)
I thought this might've been connected to the Da Vinci Code which was included in the list of movies - especially considering the movie was released one day after Rey went missing
Taking the plot of the Da Vinci Code and relating it to the Da Vinci surgical robot in this context, you can infer that:
  1. This was definitely linked to "light" (as all media is) - Paris = "City of Light" (UV rays/global warming)
  2. When connecting the Da Vinci Code to the Da Vinci Surgical Robot, the Louvre Museum in Paris not only represents the foreshadowing of the Paris agreement but it also points to China ("love" is commonly used to refer to China, from my experience of analyzing a lot of song lyrics (V(5)⭐️) - they don't call it "love is in the air" for nothing)
"The Da Vinci Code follows "symbologist" Robert Langdon and cryptologist Sophie Neveu after a murder in the Louvre Museum in Paris causes them to become involved in a battle between the Priory of Sion (sun/China) and Opus Dei (opium/smoke) over the possibility of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene having had a child together."
Keeping in mind that Rey's case dates back to 2006, it's safe to say that Covid-19 has probably been in the works for a long time, and this is just the tip of the iceberg
From my understanding of analysing timestamps so far, what better way to forgive America's debt than for China to create a peace weapon that doubles as genocide in the form of an intermittent disease to ensure that we have to depend on technology/AI in the foreseeable future (overthrowing the oil industry/Russia's nuclear energy in the process)... Perfect for a hedge fund
And seeing as China is the world's top metal producer they'll have an excess of hazardous waste... It would be a shame if it was dumped into the ocean/sewers/vaccines
So, taking into account how scripted everything is, do you believe this?
I'll leave it up to you
submitted by quartzlizard to conspiracytheories [link] [comments]

COVID19, Transhumanism, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, and The Great Reset.

Is it cool if I share my new blog? No ads, I'm not selling anything. Just looking for some feedback on my writing. Here's my latest post, copied and pasted below, before you click the link.
I look forward to all of your harshest criticisms. :)
(the links don't work on this copy and paste job, but they should work on the site. )

COVID19, Transhumanism, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, and The Great Reset

These topics are being discussed all over world right now, as humanity is slowly becoming aware that we are being herded, like livestock, into The New World Order. We’re being prodded, poked, and jostled into a global authoritarian system. It was agreed upon a long time ago by The Powers That Be, that humankind is not fit to govern itself. They’ve allowed some of us to exist within false democracies, and provided the illusion of control, until they were ready to take complete control. That time is nearly upon us. I wanted to take some time to break down what we know (what’s been revealed to us) about the New World Order being built around us currently.
Transhumanism was a new word for me, until I first dived down the Pandemic rabbit hole. A quick internet search for the term brings us the standard definition:
The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.
Doesn’t sound all that bad. Many would argue that humankind is already on this path with the evolution of computing technology in recent decades, and they would be right. The transhumanism being discussed by the elite, however, has a nefarious purpose. Its being sold to us under the guise of inclusion, sustainability, and fairness for all. Make no mistake, the subjugation of humanity is the end goal. The 99% is to be transformed into a docile obedient slave class, more sub-human than trans-human, in order to serve the self appointed rulers of the human race. The transformation has already begun. So how does the manufactured COVID19 crisis tie into the transhumanist endgame? Let’s look to the work of World Economic Forum executive chairman Klaus Schwab, for the answer.
Advances in digital technologies and new materials over the last 20 years have enabled forward leaps in areas such as the understanding of genomes, genetic engineering, diagnostics and pharmaceutical development. Like fire in ancient Greek mythology, stolen from the gods by Prometheus and given to humans, the power represented by biotechnology is sometimes portrayed as a civilizational leap for humankind.
…the ability to ‘read and write to’ the brain heralds new industries and systems for value creation, which will have deep social, political and economic impacts…our brains are at the core of what makes us human—they enable us to perceive and make sense of the world, to learn, imagine, dream and interact with others. Influencing the brain in more precise ways could change our sense of self, redefine what it means to have experiences and fundamentally alter what constitutes reality. By affecting how we govern ourselves, the system management of human existence, brain science encourages a huge step for humans beyond natural evolution.”
Those were excerpts from Klaus’ book “Shaping The Future Of The Fourth Industrial Revolution”. {You can obtain a copy to read yourself here} The second quote is from a chapter titled neurotechnologies, in section 2.3 Altering The Human Being. Think of Klaus Schwab as the spokesperson for The Great Reset. Is he the grand mastermind behind the entire NWO? probably not, but he is certainly involved, and he’s been pretty vocal about it. In his other book, COVID19: The Great Reset, Klaus lays out exactly what his vision of an ideal world looks like. More on that very soon.
Let’s return to our current situation, the Pandemic Crisis. Mankind is being manipulated on a never before seen scale. Across all national borders, every continent, every single individual, is being made to fear their own fellow man. We’re being socially conditioned to believe that every other person we encounter is a potential threat to our lives and the lives of our loved ones. We’re are being taught that we need to lesson physical social interaction (Unless you’re on TV) in order to save lives. We’re being deceived into rewriting our own “social contract” of what it means to be human, and in doing so, consenting to subjugation. The real issue here is not the virus itself, but the precedent that is being set.
If every single person is potentially a carrier for an extremely contagious, potentially deadly or symptom-less virus, it creates a state of general mistrust of others. You never know who might have the virus. The solution is to monitor every individuals location and contacts, as well as health status with tests. All citizens are encouraged to stay home as much as possible. They are discouraged to spend time with family on holidays. Medical masks are mandated everywhere you go in public, even though their is clearly no correlation whatsoever between mask wearing and the spread of the virus. I could write an article about masks alone. How they are useless, they don’t stop the spread of anything, they’re uncomfortable, inconvenient, and besides all the general complaints, they anonymize every individual, making facial expressions more difficult to read. Babies learn to empathize and recognize emotions by seeing their parents faces. Masks will surely negatively impact this process. Above all, masks are dehumanizing. They are a symbol of the slave class, a muzzle. Masks are essential to the Scamdemic because they make it real. They provide tangible evidence that we are living in a Pandemic. As event 201 clearly displays, the exact rules and regulations for COVID, including mask wearing, were planned down to the last detail years in advance. What we can learn from this, is that the elite are training us, not unlike how you might train your own pet. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, as described by Schwab, is a new chapter in human development.
Many hard working members of the middle class have heard the rumors or robotics and automation replacing human labor. More and more jobs, particularly in manufacturing, will be done by robots. As Artificial intelligence technology matures, human computer interaction becomes almost as natural as talking to a person. Imagine a world where this technology replaces people you see every day. People working at the gas stations, hotels, retail stores, fast food drive-throughs, restaurants. The fourth industrial revolution is planned to keep physical contact between people to the bare minimum (as well as make labor as cheap as possible). With the advent of the manufactured health crisis, we now have the perfect excuse to fully implement the proposed system.
A New World Order means the 99% are being lorded over by the 1%, who have obtained absolute power. The fourth industrial revolution is a facet of the NWO, it’s the more powerful and more present role of technology in our every day lives. The elite could never build an army out of the 99% to rule the 99%, so they seek to automate our rule, while ensuring compliance with the technocracy. We will exist within this technocratic system that rules us, while the elite enjoy their extravagant lifestyles, completely free and unhindered. An individual will be monitored every second of every day, by cameras, microphones and other sensors found all around them. Live data will be recorded, stored, and analyzed by AI algorithms. If the algorithm detects an abnormality, such as an individual staying out past curfew, not wearing a mask, saying something disparaging of the government, or breaking a law, the AI would report you to local authorities. (even determine a suitable punishment, or send a fine directly to your bank account.) If you don’t believe that such a system can exist, just look at present day communist China. I will be writing more on that in a separate post.
The transhumanist element comes into play with the advent of neurotechnology. Another great quote from Klaus:
“Neurotechnologies help us to better understand the brain and how it works, and also to influence consciousness, mood and behavior.”
By using classical conditioning on the entire population, the elites have effectively completed a “soft test” of our willingness to conform. It seems that the majority of people are willing to give up their personal right to bodily autonomy, given the proper stimulus. Now with the COVID vaccine coming soon, people are more than willing to ignore the red flags of the rushed experimental vaccine, and take the jab in order to feel safe from the invisible plague of death. Coercing the worlds population into a mandatory regular vaccination schedule is another step towards domination of humankind. Again, consider the precedent that is being set. Any number of agendas could be implemented against the population through the vaccination scheme. All we can do at the moment is speculate, but my worst fear would be the implementation of eugenics and population reduction on a global scale. Besides using chemicals to alter the way our brains work, technology could one day be used to read our very thoughts, or even send foreign thoughts directly to our brains. Sounds like science fiction, but our transhumanist slave master Schwab sees this as a real possibility. The push for a digital ID by the elites demonstrates the elitist perspective of the rest of our species. Putting everyone’s identification, health records (vaccination records), and even our digital wallet, on a biometric chip embedded in the individuals body, would be the easiest and most convenient way to manage the worlds population through the technocracy. 5G cellular networks and the Internet of Things play a role in the technocracy as well. Next generation cellular bandwidth allows much more data to be transferred over the network much more quickly, never mind the hazard of electromagnetic radiation all around us. The Internet of Things is simply a framework for more and more every day devices to be able to connect to the internet independently, in order to share information. Everything from toasters, light bulbs, door locks, or a refrigerator, can be used to monitor you, harvest data from you, and send that data to a remote server to be analyzed.
As I have mentioned many times, the announcement of The Great Reset is the announcement of The New World Order. The manufactured COVID19 pandemic is laying the groundwork of societal changes that need to be normalized in order to usher in The Fourth Industrial Revolution. If the globalists plans come to fruition, by 2030 the global technocracy will be in full effect. We will not be governing ourselves, we will be governed by algorithms processing incalculable amounts of data about our personal lives, sent by the population control grid being built around us. The groundwork for mass surveillance is already in place in most of the world, once all the harvested data is being funneled to our technocratic overlords, the system will be complete. There will be no escape from the watchful eye of Big Brother. Subliminal messages will be sent directly to our minds. Consume. Conform. Obey. Resistance will be made impossible. Before that dark age occurs for mankind, we have the opportunity to put a stop to it. We must resist now, while it is still possible to do so.
I hate to end the post on such a foreboding note, so instead I’ll leave you with this. The time to act is now. Rise up and claim your humanity before you are robbed of it. The elite mean to change the very meaning of human. We must show them now, that we will not allow it. Stand up to the subjugation. Take off your slave mask. Stop living in fear. We must unite to take our freedom back from those who wish to subjugate us. Civil disobedience is how we show them we wont comply with the enslavement agenda. Plant yourself firmly, hold your ground, and say no. Stay strong brothers and sisters.
submitted by Aur31ius to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

I want to get off Mad Ahab's Wild Ride. Continuing my commentary on Moby Dick with chapters 25-36. We are officially defying the gods.

Original post, with commentaries on the first 9 chapters
Commentaries on chapters 10-24
Ishmael still isn't done beating his advocacy pulpit. He's run his mouth so much that he's hungry, talking about coronation rituals with salt and castor and salad oil—oil as intellectual lubricant, "sperm oil in its unmanufactured, unpolluted state, the sweetest of all oils", the one case where people can use non-medicinal hair oil and not consign themselves to mediocrity and contempt. Yet anointment is a staple of Christianity, supposed to be used in baptisms and meant to ward off evil and demons; perhaps it is a bad omen for common folk to be visibly anointed, since people don't like to be reminded of their own fallibility and prefer to pretend they are self-reliant.
After declaring that whalemen are integral to coronations, Ishmael is finally done, and introduces chief mate Starbuck to us. Starbuck is a man of great vitality, managing his trauma through fortitude that doesn't flag in any clime and through caution that treats some superstition as rational and courage as a tool dangerous in excess:
I will have no man in my boat who is not afraid of a whale.
This caution is a compromise: he wants to return safely to his "young Cape wife and child", but can't imagine forsaking the business of whaling, despite its traumatic effects on him being visible to Ishmael. Maybe both despite and because of that, since Starbuck lost his father and brother to whaling; there is a timebomb in him, due to his bravery being weak to spiritual terrors "which sometimes menace you from the concentrating brow of an enraged and mighty man."
Ishmael would be loath to write about "the complete abasement of poor Starbuck's fortitude" were it to happen, because
man, in the ideal, is so noble and so sparkling, such a grand and glowing creature, that over any ignominious blemish in him all his fellows should run to throw their costliest robes
—yet this chapter exposes such a blemish while claiming it won't be relevant. How would Ishmael even know about it?
For Ishmael, something essential in each of us bleeds at the exposure of ignominy in another, because the valor ruined by such exposure is "that abounding dignity which has no robed investiture"—the strength of the soul, accessible to commoners, the foundation of democracy, which any man, no matter how mired in grief or sin, can use to "lift himself to the exalted mounts", and Ishmael vows to robe such men in "ethereal light", as if he's a prophet who can say whom God has championed. My man went straight from advocating for whaling to advocating for humanity, but not even treating his position as objectionable—and he built his case around Starbuck, whose only apparent weakness is to the spiritual assault of an authority figure that would cave in his integrity and his democratic dignity.
Starbuck is a reliable, worldly man, but limited by his resignation to what he takes to be his place; he doesn't strive for more, not to defeat a vicious whale and not to stand up against a domineering man, so the source of his competence is the seed of his downfall. Losing people to whaling accidents stripped Starbuck of the trust in himself to act with integrity and boldness in crisis situations, boldness being taken for recklessness—not a terrible position for a man who just wants to earn an honest living for his family, but with how unpredictable profits from whaling voyages can be, this isn't a stable career suitable for someone who wishes to be content with their lot in life or who is excessively aware of how little control they have over nature at her worst. Ishmael frames Starbucks' timebomb as a "fall of valour", but I think it would be the revelation of the lack of valor in that area, contrary to Ishmael's grandiose optimism about human greatness. In his effort to defend democratic principles, Ishmael's framing only betrays the flaws of democratic ideals—above all, the fact that they're ideals, requiring great pretension to present them as widely fulfilled.
Ishmael doesn't even try to throw robes over man's flaws; he prefaces that optimism with "Men may seem detestable as joint stock-companies and nations; knaves, fools, and murderers there may be", the world wicked in all meridians. The appearance of such blemishes, quite real before becoming visible, is taken as an offense to piety, which amounts to blaming God for Adam and Eve's decision to sin and thereby plunge mankind into unfulfillable debt. But this is all overlooking the nobility of the man who accepts the thankless responsibility to preach truth and virtue, as Father Mapple and Jonah before him did, and as Queequeg did upon realizing that this is a joint-stock world (rather than companies, which economizes the original sin and implicitly treats salvation as competitive and zero-sum) that should encourage pagans and Christians alike to look out for each other.
This chapter is conspicuously devoid of any moral judgments about Starbuck, narrowly brushing past them wherever they could be brought up naturally. Ishmael rather focuses on the equality of men in their God-given opportunities to rise above each other in their roles in providence—Bunyan, Cervantes, Jackson—even though democracy is a collective affair and any man's ascendance is predicated at the very least on its validation through others' recognition and sanction, and almost always on the social, spiritual, and physical resources that are needed from others along any path to nobility.
Starbuck doesn't need an ornate robe thrown over his flaws; he needs a friend who can show him how to realize and navigate his flaws so he doesn't make any despair-inducing decisions when his timebomb detonates and someone like Ahab commands something unreasonable of him. And Ishmael would probably do well to not project his ideals and aspirations onto others; he ends up saying more about himself than the characters when he does so.
CHAPTERS 27&28&29
Ishmael introduces second mate Stubb, who poses a stark contrast to the overcautious Starbuck in having a carefree, cheerful, fearless—though not valiant—demeanor, like that of a carpenter:
He would hum over his old rigadig tunes while flank and flank with the most exasperated monster.
Ishmael figures that Stubb's carefreeness comes from his addiction to smoking on his pipes, the smoke acting as a sort of counter-miasma "against all mortal tribulations". Stubb is go-with-the-flow even about death, but Ishmael believes he sees death as a call upwards, whose contents would only be known when he obeyed the order—and he was neither hurrying nor hesitating toward that call.
Careless, not but boldly reckless like the third mate, Flask, whose vitriol toward all whales reduced them in his eyes to "a species of magnified mouse, requiring only a little circumvention and some small application of time and trouble in order to kill and boil." Starbuck must not have a say in Flask's presence; Stubb's a liability enough, but Flask's utter lack of reverence and mystification can't possibly end well. Not only is Flask openly motivated by spite, but he has fun on the voyages that probably bore others to death; he's built "to clinch tight and last long", to brace the ship against nature's onslaughts—but Ishmael doesn't acknowledge what a hazard his attitude is.
The three mates are very different men, ranging from careful to carefree to reckless, and each serves as a knight with one of the harpooneers as his squire: Starbuck with Queequeg; Stubb with Tashtego, a Native who traded his father's bow and arrow for the harpoon; and Flask with Daggoo, a giant of imposing humility. The harpooneers have each been hunters in some form since their youth, and retain their native customs because they haven't spent enough time on land to integrate into American or other culture, whereas the officers are American-born.
The Pequod is a miniature of Hobbes' Leviathan mentioned in the extracts, a diverse mixture of men marshalled by Ahab, American-born sailors providing the brains and everyone else supplying the muscle. Whaling may be a staple of the American economy in this time frame, but it wouldn't be so without the many, many non-Americans onboarded for the opportunities whaling provides. Even if it's a dangerous, unreliable career, and your credit will go to the shareholders and officers, it's a legitimate investment if your prospects are limited by illiteracy, non-acculturation, and lack of education.
All these whalers are "federated along one keel" "to lay the world’s grievances before that bar from which not very many of them ever come back." They're united by their quest to slay whales, but each man has a very different relationship with the whales, whether as receptacles for monstrous projections whereby to eradicate the monstrosity so projected, or as mere paychecks, or as rats to enjoy exterminating, or as harbingers of God's wrath—as creatures through which to rebel against God while clinging to piety.
At last, Ishmael introduces Ahab, who delivers vicarious orders through the mates while continuing to brood, while Ishmael can no longer suppress his suspicions—though it's well too late to back out now. During a gloomy morning of the Pequod's latitudinal descent, Ahab appears to the crew, appears "like a man cut away from the stake", which I'm interpreting as his hellfiery executors (the whale's jaws of despair) changing their minds and sparing him, leaving him with a decocted body of "solid bronze", like Cellini's cast of Perseus (depicted holding Medusa's head).
Ahab has a scar that may be a head-to-toe—man's reach from Earth or hell to heaven, I suppose—birthmark or the brand of lightning—the crew doesn't speculate much about it, nor can those who do—with zero basis—agree. Ahab replaced his leg, lost all the way over by Japan, with a peg carved from a sperm whale jawbone.
Ahab is silent as he looks over his crew, and unease seizes all under his "troubled master-eye"—there is "crucifixion in his face", that of bearing with dignity an immeasurable and fatal woe. What makes a noble hero tragic is first that they bring upon their own downfall somehow, but second that they bear a superhuman load of trauma before buckling. Ahab is then seen every day, his presence longer each time, as the foul winter weather departs, although he is still unneeded so long as there's no whaling to be done. The clouds themselves settle on his brow, as though he were a great mountain or Atlas shouldering the sky.
Ishmael implies that the sunny weather alone is what lifts Ahab's mood, but it could well be that the ship is getting palpably closer to the whales, to the whale, which must be on Ahab's mind every waking and sleeping second. The now-vernal days are "warmly cool, clear, ringing, perfumed, overflowing, redundant"—that sounds like Ishmael trying in vain to milk all the hope he can from the now-realized imagery that Bildad left him with, and even looking forward to some action.
The tropics bring to them dazzling nights that wring out memories as frigid, clear crystals, and Ahab is out of his cabin more than in it because it feels like a tomb and he must be having nightmares too. Ahab barely sleeps, but despite his restlessness, is often considerate of how his heavy steps would keep people below from sleeping.
When Stubb insults Ahab within earshot, suggesting there be a way to muffle his steps, Ahab, indignant, asks if he's a cannonball, but is willing to brush it off, dismissing Stubb to his "nightly grave" like a dog to the kennel. Stubb argues back, but can't stand his ground against the fearsome captain, and departs, monologuing an existential crisis, deliberating retaliation against or prayer for Ahab—Stubb isn't pious; Ahab even put the fear of God into Stubb. Stubb suspects Ahab holds late clandestine meetings; that might be noteworthy.
Ahab calls for his pipe, and realizes that smoking no longer soothes, that his nervous puffing resembles the plumes of a dying whale, "the strongest and fullest of trouble," so he discards it overboard. The pipe is meant for serenity, like that of Stubb or a mild elder, like whom Ahab is neither. On this day, the puffs blew back in his face against the wind, which other men may have found undignified, but which unlikely perturbed Ahab, despite his royal bearings on his ivory stool. Throwing away the pipe may have been impulse from a mild inconvenience, or a decision to not let smoking dull his fire, or disgust at the pipe reminding him of his own mortality—or all three.
The next morning, Stubb tells Flask about a bizarre dream he had, where Ahab kicked him with his ivory peg, and Stubb trying to kick the captain in retaliation but only hurt himself, as though he were attacking a "cursed pyramid"—the most imposing, unassailable tomb ever built. Stubb rationalized that getting kicked by a dead appendage wasn't so bad, as "there’s a mighty difference between a living thump and a dead thump." While kicking in vain, he's accosted by a "badger-haired old merman, with a hump on his back"—sperm whales have small humps on their backs, and badgers (known for toughness and aggression) can have "iron-grey" hair like Ahab, so I figure this merman is a mixture of the two.
Stubb threatens to kick even him, backing off after seeing spikes lodged in the merman's back—a sperm whale could endure with harpoons buried in non-vital areas. The merman convinces Stubb to stop his pettiness, because the merman considers it a wisening honor to be kicked by that ivory leg—implying that this is the whale appearing in a dream with great respect for Ahab that he imparts onto Stubb, who, concluding his reminiscence, declares it best to ignore Ahab from now on. Right then, the first whales are spotted at sea, with a caveat: "If ye see a white one, split your lungs for him!"
Now that the first whales have been sighted, Ishmael starts to lay out his blueprint for a science of whales, a "classification of the constituents of a chaos"—on top of their divine and sublime qualities, whales have thwarted naturalists, philosophers, and shipmen alike to try to capture them in thought, but their great size has made the the object of many such attempts by figures as diverse as "Authors of the Bible" (isn't it weird for him to not think the Bible was written by God?), Scoresby, Aristotle, and Linnaeus. The list of whale-authors Ishmael provides shows just how much work he laid upon the sub-sub in the extracts.
Ishmael regards Scoresby as the leading expert on Greenland (bowhead) whales, the "usurper upon the throne of the seas", taking offense to the bowhead whale's status, established and perpetuated through traditions of poetic allusions to such whales, because the sperm whale, no matter how shrouded in obscurity and fable, is the proper monarch of the sea. It's Ishmael's goal to be the first author to breathe life to the sperm whale, the only two reliable accounts then-extant about the whales being "mostly confined to scientific description".
It seems almost like Ishmael is setting out this taxonomy primarily to accentuate the sperm whale at the head as the leviathan of leviathans; he doesn't even concern himself with the completeness of the program he lays out, "because any human thing supposed to be complete, must for that very reason infallibly be faulty." But even trying to map the contours of a cetology is a monumental effort, equal for Ishmael to having "one’s hands among the unspeakable foundations, ribs, and very pelvis of the world", which is ironic because the fact that whales surface proves that they need to breathe, and, having limited lung capacity, can't swim into the abyss unless it is shallow—and then it's not an abyss!
Ishmael's cetology tries to capture and thereby control—to bind this "chaos" in a rigid, hierarchical order—God's power incarnated in these sea-beasts. "Behold the hope of him is vain!" He cites reasons for whales not being fish, "waiving all argument" and declaring the matter settled—even though whales' vertical swimming, lungs, and warm blood, like those of other mammals, vs fishes' horizontal swimming, non-lungs, and cold blood is damning evidence in evolutionary biology, which Darwin was then hard at work laying the modern foundations of—, happily defining the whale as "a spouting fish with a horizontal tail" simply because nothing else he knows of fits that description: fishes don't spout and walruses can move on land. Ishmael's criteria for what counts as a whale are rather arbitrary, letting anything "the best-informed Nantucketers" regard as whales count as whales—despite having given a definition with unambiguous criteria—and excluding some fish not just for lacking spouts, but for being "noisy, contemptible".
The cetology program is divided into three books for tiers of size, subdivided into chapters for species, selecting as mascots for each tier the sperm whale (folio), the grampus (octavo), and the porpoise (duodecimo). True to form, Ishmael starts with glorifying the sperm whale as the most formidable, majestic, lucrative, and large whale—and, by extension, organism—on Earth, but ends with the note that the sperm whale's name comes from a mixture of a popular misconception that the oil is that "quickening humor" found in bowhead whales, and of the term's retention by drug dealers from back when spermacetti was a precious commodity used for medicine, retention to "enhance its value by a notion so strangely significant of its scarcity." The sperm whale's overratedness is built into its philology, which Ishmael recognizes but merely dismisses as "absurd" instead of seeing irony—and he's otherwise in a comedic mood in this chapter.
The powers of hearsay, abstraction, erudition, and convenient assumptions (conflating the bowhead and right whales, which are now recognized as different species) allow Ishmael to recognize in many different names one and the same whale in each chapter. The finback whale (which can grow up to 90 feet long, longer than any confirmed sperm whale) is characterized as misanthropic, elusive, and reclusive, as "the banished and unconquerable Cain of his race", and is conflated with other whales whose bones are harvested on the basis of similarities in hump, back-fin, teeth, and baleen—these traits strike Ishmael as the obvious discriminators to categorize whales, but he admits that "it is in vain to attempt a clear classification of the Leviathan" around these traits.
This ungeneralizable heterogeneity has thwarted whale-naturalists, but even if any had the flexibility to realize that such differentiable traits weren't a sound basis for a taxonomy, the tools (of dissection and concept) to pursue stronger leads were inaccessible to them. Half-recognizing this, Ishmael proceeds boldly under the pretense that his way is the only "practicable" program. The folio book concludes with sulphur-bottom whales, which are in fact blue whales, and which Ishmael speculates with no trace of sarcasm got their "brimstone belly" by "scraping along the Tartarian tiles in some of [their] profoundest divings"—what lung capacity to manage a descent to hell!
Folio and octavo book formats have similar proportions despite differing in size, whereas quarto, the size between them, doesn't preserve their shape. Although Ishmael wants to show that octavo whales are like folios, simply smaller, skipping quarto emphasizes the gap in size. The octavo whales have distinct superstitions: grampuses portend sperm whales, hyena whales bear an "everlasting Mephistophelean grin", narwhals are "sinister" (left-handed or witchy) unicorns, and orcas are killers like all of us.
Ishmael's knowledge is heavily skewed by his agendas and limitations. He does seem to be committed to thoroughness while knowing his blueprint is woefully incomplete, and adds "a rabble of uncertain, fugitive, half-fabulous whales" for later investigators to fit into his system, and glosses over mentions of whales in ancient texts, "suspecting them for mere sounds, full of Leviathanism, but signifying nothing."
Since this novel symbolizes whales as God's wrath (fury motivated by justice), and because Ishmael narrates as the survivor of a shipwreck, probably having seen the literal jaws of death several times, and because Ishmael had been struggling with his faith since before he boarded the Pequod, and since the Shakespeare reference feels out-of-place, it's all the more fitting—now finished laying out his cetology, many of the connections Ishmael has formed about them must be fresh on his mind, and some of those connections weigh heavily.
Because Ishmael leaves this blueprint for his successors, it seems to be his vie for transcendence, not quite immortality, but something to leave when his body rots and his soul is silenced, for "grand [architects], true ones, ever leave the copestone to posterity"—a lot of grandiosity to cover the fact that Ishmael has no idea what he's doing, stuck in a lifelong obsession that didn't grant him wisdom, worldliness, or even legitimate knowledge.
I highly doubt Melville, these connections made, supported the cetology he has Ishmael voice, especially because he had access to Darwin's notes from his Beagle voyage, notes that included existentially unsettling musings about the origin of species: their malleability, diversity, and adaptations, musings that had to be born of overwhelming evidence because Darwin was an orthodox Christian, unlike Ishmael.
In the history of whaling, command of the ship used to be divided between the captain, tasked with "the navigation and general management of the vessel", and the specksynder or chief harpooneer, in charge of "the whale-hunting department and all its concerns". By the present, the latter's dignity had been reduced, and the harpooneer's command confined to "night watches on a whaling ground", but due to their importance for whaling voyages' profits, harpooneers were given the boarding of officers, set apart from the crewmen despite being their "social equal".
Many captains used the rigid social norms normal to whaling ships to parade themselves around like emperors, and although Ahab "was the least given to that sort of shallow assumption", even he exploited his privileges of "practical, available supremacy over other men", the "irresistible dictatorship" that almost all in positions of unchecked power inevitably succumb to, and that are only possible through the "external arts and entrenchments" established to situate authorities and exempt them from "the world's hustings", from debate, election, and even accountability.
For Ishmael, dictators earn the highest honor due to their fallibility compared to "the choice hidden handful of the Divine Inert", which I take to mean saints with principles of faith and justice that are unmoved by anything material or at "the dead level of the mass", over which it is no great honor to reign. Ahab is no saint, despite and probably due to his "moral indomitableness", which is a trait that saints have, but there's no indication that Ahab's is buttressed by principles: he's not a pious or God-fearing, and he's willing to exploit his powers for selfish and unstated ends, and this novel promises to end in disaster—were Ahab a saint, he wouldn't bring tragedy that would make it into the history books; he would have a stable, respectable, and unassuming life and career.
The dinner ritual has a fixed structure: the dough-boy summons Ahab, who summons Starbuck and goes to the diner, who waits a minute and summons Stubb and goes to the diner, who waits a minute and summons Flask and goes to the diner, who breaks into a mocking dance when the officers are gone before donning his expected persona and going to the diner. "Wherefore this difference? A problem? Perhaps not." A harmless, or rather impotent, bit of rebellion against the dictator whose supremacy is doubled as the head of the diner.
Who has but once dined his friends, has tasted what it is to be Caesar. It is a witchery of social czarship which there is no withstanding.
The order of entering the diner and eating is upheld because otherwise the balance of power could tilt—and remind everyone that power is nothing more than an agreement between the ruler, the ruled, and the relevant infrastructure—, which could be awkward or worse. A great king eating at a host's house would be during that meal second in power to the host. The officers treat Ahab like a stern father, themselves as "warlike but still deferential cubs". The weight of the hierarchy renders these "solemn meals, eaten in awful silence", despite silence not being enforced; the officers simply mirror Ahab's own refusal to speak—wait, wait, Ishmael isn't allowed down here, so how does he know what's going on in the dinner ritual? Did he sneak in? Get promoted? (That seems unthinkable with his experience and temperament.) Fabricate all of this?
Ishmael assumes that Flask could but wouldn't help himself to better portions than he was directly offered, wouldn't because "never more would he have been able to hold his head up in this honest world" and could because "Ahab never forbade him". Because the officers leave in inverse order, Flask barely has time to eat, and "once admitted in private"—to Ishmael? to someone Ishmael overheard?—that his hunger was permanent; even as a crewman he'd eaten better.
Flask is in the awkward position of being at the bottom rung of the upper class, almost ascetic in his timidity to test his boundaries. "There’s the fruits of promotion now; there’s the vanity of glory: there’s the insanity of life!" Yet Flask has no complaints about the added responsibility or other possible difficulties of being an officer, just that he doesn't feel that he's allowed to eat well. Ishmael tattles on how he figured out the details of the dinner ritual: it's easy enough for a sailor to peep into the aft cabin, but he says the only motivation for doing so would be if a sailor had a grudge against him—it's not clear whether the pity this peep would produce would be sadistic or understanding, but Ishmael seems not to dislike Flask.
When the officers cleared out, the harpooneers took their place with a "frantic democracy" of barbaric consumption, bullying the dough-boy for fun into constant fear and respecting no etiquette. There is some contrast between Queequeg, the sadistic Tashtego, and the moderate Daggoo, the latter having to sit on the floor so his "hearse-plumed head" doesn't bonk the ceiling—hearse-plumes adorn horse-drawn funeral processions, a stark cultural contrast. The dough-boy has a physically easy job that he can't have imagined would be so mentally taxing. Ahab clung to the mutually alienating belief that the cabin belonged to him, and that the mates and harpooneers were as doors that briefly turn in to enter their house while, "as a permanent thing, residing in the open air."
Ishmael compares Ahab to a grizzly bear, his soul, "shut up in the caved trunk of his body", hibernating and eating away at the fat reserves of his gloom in the winter of his heart—one step past a damp, drizzly November, his shelter from the elements—the turbulence of connection—all the more isolating. This is a moody, hard-hearted man with the mental and physical conditions to use people as tools on a whim, and none would have the guts to mutiny against him.
Ishmael gets his first lookout duty and compares being atop the ship to being an astronomer on a pyramid—the Egyptians' pyramids being, for Ishmael, the original documented mast-heads, even if older civilizations may have had similar designs—; or a statue atop its pillar, the imposing historical figure it represents no longer vigilant, and silent with their secrets even if their visions would be worth sharing; or an early Nantucket shoreside watchtower waiting to direct moored, ready boats. All of these being obsolete, the whaleship mast-head stands as the one true mast-head, situating a whaler at the summit of the vast expanse of sea to be attentive from the time the ship departs to the time it either docks or is saturated, not one vial left empty—a dogged determination to maximize profits, which befits every man to adhere to because his stake in the whaling voyage is his share in the profits of the whale parts harvested.
The mast-head is unhomely, lacking a crow's nest or any comfortable amenities to cloister—as a corpse in a hearse or Father Mapple in his pulpit—oneself from the elements and the panoramic view of the sea, but that view is blissful, especially in calm tropical weather, where a sailor can lose himself in the timeless, placeless sprawl, a "sublime uneventfulness" with no concern for stock markets, sensational news, or where to find the next meal—Ishmael may not be motivated by profit, but the draw of free food may be a greater motive than he acknowledged.
The Sleet's crow's nest is described in longing detail, Ishmael torn between wanting one and considering the view in its absence to more than compensate for the discomfort. The mast-head is a bridge between man and the stars, the skies, and the seas—yet it is the waters in which sailors lose themselves rather than the skies, which serve rather to guide and orient them, courtesy of the arts of navigation.
After admitting that he shirked his duties of being attentive at the mast-head, Ishmael cautions whalers against hiring people like himself: "For nowadays, the whale-fishery furnishes an asylum for many romantic, melancholy, and absent-minded young men, disgusted with the carking cares of earth, and seeking sentiment in tar and blubber." Way to tell on yourself. The discomfort of the mast-head should be a constant reminder to stay on-task for your two-hour shifts; maybe a crow's nest would've been a wise investment. With it, Ishmael wouldn't be able to fantasize about being a colossus or saintly stargazer.
Also, Sleet is clearly Scoresby; the real crow's nest was invented by father Scoresby with help from son Scoresby; it's no more arrogant to name your patents after yourself than your children, and I'd say far less so. Might there be an Ishmael Sr.?, maybe a drunkard and a whaler? Ishmael took on a mocking tone when saying that Sleet forgot to mention the alcohol that should've been his friend and comforter at the summit of the watery world.
Ishmael blames his incompetence on his education—Plato's Phaedo, on the immortal life and memory of the soul, instead of Bowditch's navigation handbook foremost in his mind—and his short-sightedness instead of his lack of discipline, even though he's here to marvel at whales. But what good is vision on such incomprehensible constituents of chaos, where "every dimly-discovered, uprising fin of some undiscernible form" is inextricable from the oceanic soul it's born from and borne through, as we and all things living are through the ungraspable and bottomless sea of God—the very sight of the unobstructed expanse dissolves and diffuses Ishmael's identity until he startles himself back to reality, or even tumbles overboard to reunite with his source amidst the leviathanic phantoms he's making a lot of excuses not to look for. Moby Dick itself could've swam by and Ishmael would've missed it.
Ahab's pacing is so frequent and intense that it leaves signature dents, but his thinking is more-so in "the foot-prints of his one unsleeping, ever-pacing thought" that it leaves on his brow, ribbed and weighed down by the weight of the sky and that of the sea—that of the whale that dismasted him, surely. Stubb sees a change hatching in Ahab, and hatch it does in the evening: the previous chapter established that manning the mast-head at all times is almost ritualistic for whaleships, but here, Ahab summons everyone, "an order seldom or never given on ship-board except in some extraordinary case." The crew is rightly anxious, seeing the storm brewing in the man, and Ahab lets that anxiety marinate until he's collected his thoughts or resolve enough for a speech.
He exhorts the crew to recite the tenets of whaling:
"What do ye do when ye see a whale, men?" "Sing out for him!"
"And what do ye next, men?" "Lower away, and after him!"
"And what tune is it ye pull to, men?" "A dead whale or a stove boat!"
For enough men to know these lines to be able to create such a singular chorus, they must be standard, whether to Ahab's ship—if most of these shipmen be returnees loyal to the captain—or to a manual most whalers ought to be acquainted with. Satisfied with the impulsive and unified replies, Ahab offers a gold coin worth ~$530 in today's currency to "Whosoever of ye raises me a white-headed whale with a wrinkled brow and a crooked jaw"—this sends the men into a frenzy, but the three harpooneers are particularly interested. Tashtego gets Ahab to confess at last that he's after Moby Dick, the whale, and that's why we're here, readers and characters alike. Each of the harpooneers cites peculiar details about the whale that Ahab affirms; each of them has encountered the white whale up-close and lived to tell the tale. Starbuck gets Ahab to confirm that it was none other than Moby Dick that "razeed" him, and that this is a revenge quest.
Ahab vows to chase the whale "round perdition’s flames" "till he spouts black blood and rolls fin out"—and he's dragging all the whalers along the journey with him, himself unmotivated by money but earning the whalers' unity on this undertaking with his incredible charisma—even reading his speech is exciting—and the gold coin. Starbuck, the voice of reason, reminds Ahab that they're here to work, that this whale won't pay for the voyage by itself—though that if they cross it, he's happy to face its jaws of death to harvest it, probably treating it as a rather ordinary whale—, and Ahab pounds his chest, declaring that the vengeance will "fetch a great premium" for his heart. Stubb muses that his chest "rings most vast, but hollow"—that Ahab has let his outward revenge altogether replace inward substance despite there being immense capacity in him to harbor such substance, whether of profit or connection.
When Starbuck is taken aback at Ahab's "Vengence on a dumb brute", Ahab channels Ishmael's Platonism, seeing in the monster the wall imprisoning and masking all phenomena, the masks being unreasoning but undergirded and shaped by some reasoning enigma:
If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me.
This is Ahab's quest for transcendence, projected onto a concrete object and delivered with compelling charisma, weaving the concept of fairness into the reason cohering the world so he can exploit the former to justify vengeance against the latter:
I’d strike the sun if it insulted me. For could the sun do that, then could I do the other; since there is ever a sort of fair play herein, jealousy presiding over all creations.
Ahab is the indomitable nobility of the human spirit and the emptiness that befalls who tries to realize it. No master, no God, no fate—only the man, the truth he can reach and pierce, and the vitality for doing so.
Ahab blasts Starbuck with a solid page-and-a-half of passionate monologuing, giving Starbuck chances to speak but being met only with silence. What is there to say? That's a dense wall of chaotic energy, and Starbuck is the coward Ahab accuses him of being, one of the only people with a chance of talking Ahab off the warpath and not even attempting to at his final opportunity. Mirroring Starbuck's mental defeat, the wind dies down and the ship's heart sinks—predictions or warnings from without, or "verifications of the foregoing things within"—the synchronicity of personally significant concurrent events that do not share a cause—, in any case they were brief and undriving.
For with little external to constrain us, the innermost necessities in our being, these still drive us on.
Starbuck perks back up out of sheer "stubbornness of life", and none of the crew, taken in as they are by the sermon, registers the portends. Ahab passes a strong drink around the crew:
Men, ye seem the years; so brimming life is gulped and gone.
This is the opposite of the universal thump of punishment; this drink is passed around to commemorate their new common cause, to celebrate the passional and consumptive joys of life—those that aren't clutched and hoarded—, and to presage their descent into hell:
[The drink] spiralizes in ye; forks out at the serpent-snapping eye.
Unlike Satan despising the sun for reminding him of his lost glory, Ahab only takes offense that is personal and direct, although his temper and education lead him to defy the fatal inner workings of the world that shackle him by the masks that comprise the visible world by unseen clockwork: to hunt Moby Dick would be, on some level, to slay (and thereby replace) God and then use the parts for money—and not even a lot of money compared to any regular sperm whale harvest! Mad Ahab even relishes that his charisma could kill a man at full blast as he leagues the officers, strong men, who can't meet his gaze.
Ahab is an amazing character. Like, wow, Melville is channeling the full brunt of his influence from Milton here. Ahab and Satan are by far the best depictions I've seen of supernatural charisma. In one day, Ahab turned the Pequod into a death cult, and excited me in doing so. This is an extraordinarily difficult book, and it feels almost self-demonstrating in what it's doing with Moby Dick: its truths feel vast, ungraspable, submerged—you could chase them your whole life, but you couldn't force them up. It has many insights, fins jutting from the water, but what they imply is obscure and daunting; to pull them out would bring their whole massive body up with them.
At the crux of the work's knotted vision seems to be the tension between views on fate, its knowability, and its malleability: 1. Providence, which to obey is inauthentic but which to disobey is apostatic, which Ishmael regards as an arbitrary jailer; 2. Yojo's prophecies being reliable but fallible; 3. Elijah's forecast, where fate is set in stone but somewhat inscrutable; 4. Ahab's defiance of the gods, vowing to have no master in body or spirit; 5. the compulsion of inward, unconscious motives; and 6. the self-fulfillment of some prophecies where pursuing or avoiding them realizes them. The white whale itself seems to reflect each of those conceptions in its mythos.
Ahab's parallels with Satan pose big questions about what it means for man to defy or conquer God, and if the distinctions between various forms of fate matter: whether free will means following God's plan or one's inner directives, whether it affects man's redeemability (Satan was considered irredeemable), in what sense redeemability matters when you're trying to conquer God and if the soul or heaven don't exist (in which case the traditional God can't exist), whether fate is malleable and why mastering it would matter, whether you're a hypocrite for having a clean conscience killing whales while forswearing human bloodshed, how defying God dooms you to despair and when Ahab crossed the line. I'm just trying to sketch out these questions' field and let them marinate in me as I soak in the novel.
I'm hooked. This is everything I hoped it would be except accessible (lol).
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